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Date: 12/16/15 

James's P.O.V. 

How can I show Lexi that there is something mess up here that her mother and her sister might not be who they are. 

I got to prove it before Friday for 2 reasons 

One it's Lexi's 18th birthday and Charlotte wants me to propose to her so she can rub it into Lexi's face even though were still in high school. 

I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet 

If your wondering yes I know that Lexi has a crush on me, her sister told me that and I was shock at 1st but I'm very happy that she feels the same. 

I also know that Charlotte is cheating on me with some college guy and I don't even care.  I'm going to put a order on her to leave my family money out of this or send Charlotte and her mother to jail for what they have done. 

But here's the sad thing that Charlotte made me do was reject Lexi 

I hate Charlotte so much! 

She's making me do it and I can't get out of it

She will tell everyone that it was my fault for texting while driving and crash into two other people killing them. 

Which is a big fat lie! 

Charlotte cause the car to crash cause she was on her phone and the girl in my passenger seat died. 

Charlotte did a hit and run act 


The girl in the passenger seat was my best friend Yasmin 

I was taking her to go meet up with her husband Scott. 

What Charlotte doesn't know is that I have bunch of papers of her and her mother. 

Trust me they aren't pretty. 

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