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Date: 12/15/15

Lexi P.O.V

The next morning was hell 

It is Christmas break till January 11th, 2016 

I had to clean up Charlotte's, James and mom's messes all day not having one break to myself. 

Even got my phone taken way cuz I was talking to Chloe way to much.

Lazy assholes! 

Whatever spot "wasn't done correctly" I would get a beating like always. 

Charlotte kept "acciedentally" pouring her drink on the floor and ended up pouring some on me 

Dumb Bitch! 

Can't fucking stand her! 

So after I finally got all the house clean up, I went to my room to find James. 


What the fuck does he want Now! 

Hasn't he had enough of torturing me already!? 

"James!?" I said looking at him annoyed 

He jumps up from his spot which it was kind of funny "What" he ask me trying to calm his beating heart down. 

"What are you doing in here!?" I ask putting my arms over my chest standing in front of him. 

"listen" he said coming over to me but I kept walking backwards away from him till I hit a wall. Ouch!

I rolled my eyes at him, I'm not in the mood to deal with him right now 

"There's something weird going on with your mom and Charlotte. There is a lady at my work who looks alot like you" he said to me shocking me into different what ifs. 

"James I get bullied by mom and Charlotte and there not lying about something so why are you" I said with angry voice. 

"Lexi I'm not lying" he said 

I rolled my eyes at him "just go James! leave me alone, you have my sister go fuck her and leave me be" I yelled at him with some jealously in my voice. 

"Fine!  I will be a little bitch!" he said stomping out of my room slamming the door behind him leaving me heartbroken with tears sliding down my cheeks. 

To think I was hoping he would listen to me  so I can tell him something but what's the point nobody will believe me expect for Chloe. 

I can't tell him. 

How I feel about him 

Even though he's dating a fucking bitch! 

I quietly went into my mother's room thank God she wasn't in here and grabbed my phone replacing it with a fake one. 

I went back to my room and sent Chloe a text 

Lexi: Let's find me a fake boyfriend 

Few seconds she text me back 

Chloe: Awesome! 

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