What I Would Say to You

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People used to think we would get married.
We would have kids, a doctor and an engineer.
My stepmother joked about getting poodles.
And I believed the idea's shiny veneer.

People used to think we were inseparable.
We were each other's number one choice.
You used to carry everything inside.
I hope you found your voice.

Don't you think it's crazy, how close we used to be?
Now I can't even imagine what you would say to me.
Are you even happy doing what you want to do?
Can you even fathom what I would say to you?

We laughed at the same jokes.
We laughed at the word "poke".
You played me Imagine Dragons,
Refused to join the bandwagon.
We watched crappy movies.
I thought you were too moody.
When I thought about harm,
You drew lines on your arm.

I was jealous of the things you had,
The big house, two parents, the girl I liked.
I had no reason to feel that way.
By the end, your heart had been totally wiped.

I was an old soul, I thought you were the same.
I forgot about you, and you gave into your name.
Enjoy your life, you've definitely earned it.
Maybe one day you'll let me in enough to see it.

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