Chapter 1

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Prem and his mother have arrived at his step father's house. The house is a big, three-story mansion with 2 garages, which could fit 2 cars each. Prem was amazed by this house, but he was still missing home. He has a lot of friends back at home, but now that he is in a new place, new environment, he has to start everything from the beginning, starting with getting along with his stepbrother.

Prem was shown to his room, which had its own bathroom and a walk-in closet. This is the biggest space Prem has ever owned and it is exactly what he had wanted. Prem and his mother were welcomed by everyone in the yard: the driver who fetched them, his stepfather, the house worker, and the gardeners, except for his stepbrother who was nowhere to be found.

"He promised to be here, by the time you get here. I will try to find out where he is." Prem's stepfather sounded embarrassed by his son's behavior. He knew that his son was not happy about him being with another woman but he at least hoped that he will be happy that he is finally opening up his heart completely after a long time of mourning for his wife, yes he had other women in his life after his wife died, but he never married them, this is the first serious relationship after the passing of his wife.

Prem's mother is one lady who shows love through cooking so she gave the house helper an afternoon off and prepared dinner early for the whole family, and gave the workers lunch boxes to take home. She had been a domestic worker before, so she knew how hard the workers were working every day. First day in the house, and the workers already loved her, this is the nicest women they had had as their boss since their late boss.

During dinner time, Prem, his mother and his stepfather sat down at the big round table ready to eat. Prem's mother being as kind as she is, she asked that they wait for her stepson, but he never arrived so the family had dinner and went to sleep. The father told her to not worry about him as he is used to coming home late. When everyone was asleep, the son finally got home. He was drunk and hungry so he went to the fridge to find something to eat, where he found a note saying there is food in the oven.

Prem woke up early the following morning to get ready for school. He was nervous about his first day in a new school, and seeing his new uniform did not do him any favour, it just made everything sink in deep. While he was getting ready, the house helper, came to his room to tell him that breakfast is ready. When he got downstairs, he found his mother and stepfather already eating breakfast. He asked where the stepbrother was, and he was told that he left early before everyone came down for breakfast.

"He must really hate us, mom" he said. "Why would he avoid us so much? I feel bad that we just invaded his space, and now we are going to be in the same school, great!"

"Prem, do not worry about your brother. He will come around. He is just not used to another woman living here permanently after his mother past away. It is not your fault." His stepfather comforted him with a pat on the shoulder.

On the way to school, the only thing that Prem was wondering about was how he was going to be treated. A newbie in the final year of high school. Him not getting along with his stepbrother made the situation worse. Surprisingly, Prem had nothing to worry about. His classmates were very welcoming and he got friends during the first few classes. Most of his friends were girls and the boys were the boyfriends of the girls. In that group of 9, only 2 girls and Prem were single.

The first day went well for Prem but he did not see his stepbrother until after school when they heard of a fight in the fields where two classmates were fighting over an argument that happened in class to which one of the two classmates was Prem's stepbrother, Boun. When Prem asked what caused the fight, he found out that the guy being beaten up by Boun said something offensive about one of the girls in the school. That's when Prem also found out that Boun HATES guys who harass girls, especially if the girl is younger.

The driver came to fetch the boys from school and when he asked what had happened for Boun's shirt to have blood stains, Prem quickly lied to keep Boun out of trouble and said that Boun had a nose bleed. When they got home, they got snacks ready in the kitchen then they went to change. On the way to their rooms, Boun told Prem that lying for him does not change the fact that he did not like him.

"I was not doing that for you to like me, I just did because I wanted to."


The first week of school felt like months of school to Prem, due to the way he was welcomed. School was now Prem's favourite place to be, as home was not as great. With the parents not being home most of the time due to work, the boys were mostly alone in the house. It would be fun if they got along, but the house was just quiet like nobody is there because the boys were always in their rooms.

During this week, Prem learned which buttons to not push on Boun and he also learned that Boun was a violent person in general. It was like something was bothering him, and he now "gets rid of it" by fighting. Prem was prepared to be the person whom Boun can vent to. He was willing to be there as a listening ear, but Boun was not prepared to let anyone know what was wrong with him. He was the kind of guy who believes that being vulnerable is a weakness.

One weekend, the boys were home alone, doing homework as usual when they received a call from their parents saying that they will not be home for the week, they are going away on a business trip. Prem's mother is a project manager at Boun's father's company, so she has to attend the important business meetings with the boss, and this was one of them.

Boun was not happy with Prem and his mother moving in, then he had to go to the same school with Prem, and now this? Even though Prem did not do anything wrong to Boun, there was just this certain anger that Boun had towards Prem and his mother, but mostly Prem's mother, he also did not know why. With that being said, Boun told Prem to be out of his way, and he will also do the same.

Prem not wanting to make Boun dislike him more than he already does, he obeyed Boun's request. For the whole week, Prem went to school early and took a cab home to avoid being in the same car as Boun. He even ate breakfast, lunch and dinner alone in his room. He made sure that he was not in Boun's way. The workers could see how sad Prem was, and one of the ground workers called him aside and told him to not feel bad about Boun's behaviour. He told him that Boun used to be a happy, friendly and energetic boy, until his mother passed away.

"Boun's smile passed away with his mother. Madam was everything to Boun and Boun was everything to her. It is not your fault that he is like this, he will tell you when he needs to talk. You just have to wait and trust me, he will come around. I am speaking from experience."

Now that Prem understood the reasons behind Boun's behaviour, he felt a little bit better. He really wanted Boun to trust him, and talk to him but he remembered the worker's words when he said "Wait for him", and that is the wait that Prem was willing to take. He knew that the trust from Boun, will be worth the wait as good things come to those who wait.

During that weekend, Boun went out with his friends, and Prem was wondering where he was so he asked the house helper and she told him that Boun said he will be home late that day. Prem asked her if he could help him with anything, and obviously the helper told him that it was her job and the bosses will not be happy with the fact that she made him work and Prem told her that he is used to helping his mother in the kitchen and he would like to help her also. So, Prem was in the kitchen the whole afternoon with the helper, baking and cooking. Prem and the helper exchanged recipes and it was a very nice, chilled and floury afternoon.

Around 10 PM, Boun came back home and as usual, he went straight to the fridge to find something to eat. He then received a note saying "Food in the oven". When Boun got there, he got freshly baked Mac and Cheese. In the morning, Boun thanked the helper for the most delicious Mac and Cheese he has ever tasted, and she just laughed. When he asked why she was laughing, she told him that Prem is the one who made the "most delicious Mac and Cheese he has ever tasted".

Boun was surprised. He has been so awful to Prem, yet Prem does not even take it to heart, he then remembered someone's words, "Sometimes when you really care about someone, you do not even see when they are hurting you." In this case, this was for Prem, who was caring about him, even though he was busy throwing hate at him. This made him feel bad, so he texted Prem immediately, thanking him for the food. Prem was surprised, not because Boun thanked him for the food, but because Boun has his number. He never gave Boun his number, and he is pretty sure that his mother did not. So who did?


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