Chapter - 23

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Kayne finds out Arthur is a psycho, and he plans to kidnap Kayne , what will Kayne do?


Then why does he plan to kidnap me.

- He created Silent Riders just to recruit Earl but there is something that makes Earl hesitates to join hands with Arthur, but when he suddenly saw you he removed all his restrictions which he kept to others -

- So, he is jealous and curious about you which made Earl to change -

Wow, he(Arthur) is really a sick bastard.

- What should we do now -

Hmm, What are my fathers doing?

- They destroyed all the hidden enemy bases and began their journey to come back here, If I calculate it correctly they will be  here by evening -

Then let's leave this work to my fathers and go according to the trap.
When they enter the town give my location to my fathers.

-Yes -

Arthur - "Did you finish eating already"

Wow, I should give you the best actor award


Arthur - "Then, let's go to look around the town
Today I'll carry you"

Clara - *Nervous.

You wish.
"But I Want Brother Earl to carry me"

Earl - *Surprised.
"w. Why me?"

"Because your hands are warm and
 comfortable just like my fathers"

Earl - *Blushes
"If you say, I'll carry you"

"Thank you"

Arthur - *Turns around.

Clara - *Hands trembles in fear.

It's going to be fun tonight.

AI, call Luna.

- Call connected -

Luna - "Master , Is that you?"

Yes it's me , are you free today evening , I have a job for you

Luna - "I'm totally free ,I'll do anything for you"

Then I'll call you by evening be ready.

Luna - "Yes"


- Call disconnected -

Earl - "Then shall we go , Kayne"

"Yes, Let's have fun today"

All day I ignored Arthur and made him mad, and it's evening already.

- Master, the stage has been prepared -

finally, AI ask Luna to be on standby.

- yes -

Few moments later

*Boom, boom

The drama has began.

Ellie - "What was that sound?"

S.C - "Bandits, bandits are attacking the town"

Bryan - "Bandits?, Why are they attacking the town?"

Clara - "W. we'll fight them Arthur and Earl take Kayne
 to safe place and call for back up"

What a nice strategy?

Ellie - "Your right we can't afford it, if Kayne is injured"

Earl - "Alright"

Arthur - "Earl , come this way"

Earl - "Yes"


Luna - "Yes"

After we are out of here , capture the bandits
and tie up Clara and explain others
 about the situation.

Luna - "Yes"

Earl - "Kayne, are you ok ?,am I running too fast?"

"I'm fine , you be careful brother Earl"

Arthur - *tch.

Arthur - "There is a hide out , lets go inside first"


(About to enter)

*Inhales. *Shouts.
"Brother Earl ,stop"

  Earl - *Stops.
"What happ-?"
"Why is there so many people hiding inside?"

Earl - "Arthur , what is happening here?"
we should get out of here.
*Turns back.
*People surrounded with weapons.

Luna - "Master, I finished my job"

Good girl, be with them until everything is cleared.

Luna - *Blushes.
"Y. Yes"


Arthur - "How did you find out?"

Earl - "What are you talking?"

Arthur - "How did you find out my plan, Kayne"

Earl - "What nonsense are you speaking , Arthur"

To be continued...

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