Chapter - 30

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Now Kayne is 5 years old and their family decided to move into capital to train young warriors of Karalux kingdom  under the request of The King of the Kingdom.( You may think why a King is requesting , it's because Mateo and Philip were the best warriors of the kingdom in their time, they resigned to have a peaceful love life , After that the kingdom didn't seen anyone like them ) but the King wanted warriors like Mateo and Philip . so, he requested them so they can't refuse it.


"Papa , how long will it

take to reach the capital?"

Philip - "In less than an hour
we'll reach the capital"


Mateo - "Are you tired Kayne?"

"Yes, I feel sleepy"

Mateo - "Come here , sleep on my lap"

"Ok, papa should wake me up

when we reach the capital"

Mateo - *Smiles.

Why do I feel like you won't do it
*Fell asleep on Mateo's lap.

Philip - "Dear , do you think our sin will
be happy in the capital?"

Mateo - "Why do you ask suddenly?"

Philip - "It's just Kayne has only been with us for 5 years,
and he hates people a lot than us,
do you think he'll be uncomfortable there?"

Mateo - "I also had that thought ,but when Kayne
said he'll be fine when we asked him about it.
I had a feeling that our son will be alright,
not to mention AI is also with him"

Philip - "You are right, even so we should protect our son,
because the capital is also the most dangerous place"

Mateo - "I know what you mean by that,
don't worry honey, there won't be a
single human alive after hurting our son"

Philip - "Hmm"

They reached the capital and of course they didn't woke Kayne , Mateo and Philip had their own house in the capital (It's like an street with more spacious than others and a place for the warriors of the kingdom to stay)

S.C - "Dear sirs, we reached our destination"

Philip - *Glares.
"Slow down your voice,
our son is sleeping"  

[ The S.C couldn't even reply in fear]

Mateo - "I'll carry down Kayne first,
honey you take the luggage"

Philip - "Hmm, be careful"

The carriage left ( I'm sure he won't come again in this area)

Philip - "Lets enter the house without making noise"

Mateo - * Nods head.

"What are you doing papa?"

Mateo - "Don't speak Kayne will-"
"Haha, you're awake my dear son ,
I was about to wake you up"

"I was awake since we reached here"

Mateo and Philip - *In silence.

I knew they would do this,
that's why I asked AI to wake me
up before falling asleep.

Mateo and Philip - *Puts their head down
"We are sorry"

"We are entering our new house for the
first time and both of you didn't wanted

to celebrate it with me?"

Mateo and Philip - "It's not like that, we just didn't
 wanted to wake you up"

(Drops the act)
"Don't feel down,

I was just playing around"

Mateo and Philip - *Brightens up.

"But I didn't forgive both of you ,you guys owe me one"

Mateo - "C.Can't we deal it with something else"

" .... " 

Mateo - "Fine we owe you"


Philip - "Alright now lets enter our new home"

Mateo and Kayne - "Yes"

*Opens door.,

To be continued...

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