Chapter - 29

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The next day.

Ah, It was so embarrassing.
Just how in the world I said those words.

Philip - "Kayne, are you fine?"
"Do you want to take rest?"

"I'm fine papa"
"We can continue"

Philip - "Ok, today I'll teach you how to convert mana to anything we wish for?"

"Mana , usually takes form of what the user imagines,
but normally our imagination is not that
strong enough to make mana to take form",
"So we use spells and magic circles to
maintain the form and function of mana",

"Since, mana can easily respond to your
thoughts we need to test whether you
need a spell or not, to maintain mana."


Philip - *Sighs.
"Lets me just show you how to do it."

"Ok papa"

Philip - (Gathers mana chants some spell
and fire came out of his hand)
"After you gather mana you just have to
visualize what you want to transform it into"
"Do you understand?, Kayne".

"... All I need to do is think ,

 right papa?"

Philip - "... Yes "

*Closes eyes
Mana gather.
(Mana began to gather)
Now turn it a candle fire and burn brightly.
*Feels heat in his hands.
*Opens eyes.
*Sees fire.
"Papa, I did it"

Philip - "Aw, my son made his first magic"
"Lets have a feast today"

"Fine, after checking out
all the basic elements"

Philip - "But I. I..."

[ Philip is spell and magic circle user ,if Kayne can use magic without spell or magic circle , Philip can't teach him anymore and Kayne can learn everything just by reading books,( that's what worries Philip lot ) ]

"Papa, even if I don't need spells and
magic circles, I still need to learn about other
magic , If you can't teach me who'll teach me"

Philip - *Brightens up.
" Ok, then lets test all basic magic today"

Just like that 4 years have passed, I learned all magic that Philip could tech me and I began to learn swordsmanship after my 2nd birthday and Mateo taught me every Defensive skills in swordsmanship (Because he didn't wanted me to fight), but still I saw him training and I secretly learned Offensive skills same with magic.

And today is my fathers birthday.
Since, both were orphans they didn't get to celebrated their, I selected a day to celebrate both of their birthday, (Of course it's their original birthday, I asked AI to check it, and surprisingly both born on the same day but different year, but they weren't very fond of their past so I lied to them.)

"Happy Birthday fathers"

Philip and Mateo - "Thank you ,my son"

Mateo - "but I told you
to call us papa"

"Sorry papa"

Philip - "Dear, can't you see our
son is shy to us like that"

"Who is shy , don't make things up papa"

Philip - "Alright, alright"
"By the way aren't you forgetting
something important"

"Am I?"

Philip and Mateo - *Bends down.

*Kisses Philip and Mateo.
"Are both of you satisfied?" 

Mateo - "It would be a lie ,
if we said no"

Philip - "Then shall we go to our new home"


The king (of Karalux kingdom - the birth place of our M.L) requested Mateo and Philip to train the kingdoms young warriors and since the Capital is the most safest place in the kingdom for me (that's what my fathers were talking). So, we decided to move into the Capital

lets wait and see what kind of adventure, Fantasy, Mysteries awaits for Kayne in the capital.

To be continued...

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