Chapter - 10

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It's the day of Kayne's birthday.

Early morning.


What is this, i feel like someone is staring at me intensely, 

*opens eyes.

someone is really staring at me.(Mateo and Philip)

"Happy birthday ,Kayne".


I'm really happy to reborn in this world.


I almost let it out.




(both of them hugs Kayne)

"Thank you for being our son , Kayne."

"now for presents, Philip you give your presents first."

"ok, my present for your
first birthday is this little
wind spirit, I captured it

hile hunting, you can make t
his as your first contracted spirit."

spirit-"who wanted to make a contract with human not to mention a weak child." 


it can talk!

I thought spirits are something like a catalyst to use high tier magic

(That's what Philip said though.)

"Spirits cant communicate with humans but , when they are contracted they can feel
our feelings."

didn't it just spoke.

spirit - "let me free otherwise the consequences will be high"

Am I the only one can hear it.


spirit - "let me out, you evil humans"

argh! its so noisy.

but why does it reminds me of something else.

- (Tinkerbell- I can't think of any other appearance)

"Kayne , do you like my present"

*eager for the answer.

I can't even say no . I'll just smile.


"then I'll help you to make contract with the spirit"

spirit-"no, I don't want to"

sorry, I'll release you when the right time comes so just be silent.

*chanting magic words

--Contract with the spirit is succeeded ,

give a name to your spirit--

I'll name it --Luna--.

Wait, who are you?, why are you talking in my mind?

--name : Luna , is given to the spirit--

didn't some one teach you it's rude to
ignore someone while talking.

spirit-"what is this crappy name 'Luna' I don't like it"

Don't interfere while others are talking.



you can hear me.                   

   spirit-"you can understand me!"

Wow!,it can really read my mind ,
Is it because of we are contracted.

-- yes --

*Disgusted look.
Now care to explain who are you.

-- I'm the system(assistant) appointed by Goddess for you, I am what you call in earth 'Rebirth system'--

Oh my god !
It's a real.

--Please take care of me in the future--

It's polite.

Well, same to you, take care of me in future.

spirit-"they forgot about me"

"Now it's my turn(Mateo),my
present is we are all
going for a hunt today"

Just what did I expect from him
But strangely,

*Looking forward
(Mateo and Philip)

Why Philip is eager?

In the forest.

*Dumb folded.
I know now ,
They just wanted to show off
thier skills in front of me .

But both of them are really
cool while they are fighting
It's like I'm watching a pro gamers skills.

Wait if both of them are fighting who is holding you?

No one is holding me , they just tied me up in the tree and Philip casted a defense spell on me .
(They really just wanted to show off)

To be continued...

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