Chapter - 19

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Mateo - *Stops.
"Are you okay?,

*Smiles. "yes, Brother
Earl fought them"

Earl - He called me brother.

Others - !! Earl is
blushing !!

Oh my, Did I hit your soft spot.

Arthur - What in the world is happening here. Earl who didn't even allowed us to touch him , carried Kayne.

Bryan - When Mateo gets angry even we can't stop him in fear, but Kayne just called him and he stopped.

Clara - Earl doesn't even smile in front of us , but he is getting shy because he was called brother. No, it's not because of that , it's because Kayne called him brother.

Ellie - I never seen sir Philip this angry just how much do they care about there son. 

Philip - "Let's continue eating"

(sits with Kayne)

"Brother Earl thank you
for helping me out there"

Earl - *Blushes. "I. I. It's not a problem"

Other members - Maybe
I should have gone
with Kayne.

Mateo - "We heard from
guild master that
you guys took care of
the rampaged monsters"

[ Thank god, they still remember my script ]

Arthur - "Yes , Our previous
quest finished early , when we
came back here we heard
about the situation and we
took care of it by ourselves"

Oh,  They must be strong.

Ellie - "By the way , why did
sir Mateo and sir Philip came here together (even with Kayne)"

Philip - "Guild master asked
us for help to solve the situation,
so we came here but you guys
already finished the job."

Arthur - "w. w. we are sorry ,
we didn't know the guild master called you"

Mateo - " Don't worry and the situation isn't clear yet"

Bryan - "Why ,  We even
captured the monsters and
closed the gates"

Philip - " The monsters aren't the problem here , the monsters were poisoned so they could go rampage and die after 5 hours"

Ellie - "Who dares to do it?" 

Arthur - "It's Phantom thieves"

what a chick name.

Philip - "He is right"

Mateo - " So , we have a
request for you guys "

Arthur - "We will help you
as long as we can"

Mateo - " It's not that, we
will be leaving this evening
to the forest to look for
Phantom thieves. we will
return by tomorrow noon,
so , we ask you to take care
of Kayne until we return."

Earl - *Stands up.
"I will take care of Kayne"


I like your devotion.

*Others Laughs.

*sits down.

Arthur - "It's not a problem,
we are free this week we
can take care of Kayne"

Mateo - "Thank you guys"

Arthur - sir Mateo is thanking us !! , he really became a father.

Philip - "Kayne, can you wait
for us with Arthur and others till tomorrow "

"Are you going to meet
the bad people?"

Philip - "Yes, we will beat them for their bad doings"

hmm, AI can you tell how
many of them are there .

- There are 40 of them
hiding in the forest -

Can my fathers handle them.

- They are nothing compared
to your fathers , but before
that they have to find them
(They are famous for their
hiding skills) - 

Can you tell their locations.

- Yes -

Then it's not a problem.

"Then I will stay with
Brother Earl and others "

Mateo - "Don't worry ,
we will come as
soon as possible "

"Ok, papa(Philip) can you
show me the map
of the forest"

Philip - ? " Is it AI "

*Nods head.

Philip - "Here"
*Hands the map

(opens the map and points out three places where their base is)

Philip - "Ok , I understand "

"Papa , both of you
bend over"

*both bend overs to Kayne.

"chu~" Kisses Philip.
"chu~" Kisses Mateo. 

"Come back safely"

Philip and Mateo - *Shocked
"Yes,We will be safe."

To be continued...

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