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My father held me for the first time in ten years the way I dreamt he always would. I pulled back and looked at him. "Pappa, why would someone kill anyone around here?" I asked, my voice shaking a little. "Sometimes, the unknown is better than the knowing" his words soft as he reached for my cheek and stoke it softly with his thumb. I resisted the urge to just leaning into it.

Reaching my hand up to his and take his hand softly from my cheek. Needing him to understand that this wasn't easy for me, nor was having a normal relationship with him normal for me. "Please tell me I won't have to witness a killing again?" I asked looking straight into my father's eyes. They were soft as he nodded "I will make sure of it Jamie" he said, pulling back from me to sit down on his chair again. "Go take a hot shower, dinner will be in an hour".

I left for my room again and felt my heartache inside of me. I have the man that I always wanted in my life, now in my life, but still, I feel like we are miles apart. When turning to go to my room I ran into a solid, hard chest. The suit was the only thing I recognized instantly. More upper I met the eyes and face of the man who shot the other person. His blue eyes were cold as ice and his expression lifeless. His black hair neatly done and on his cheek under his left eye was a scar. It was small but it looked sore. If I wasn't this pissed or confused or mostly shocked, I would've just flirted with him, because he was more than a ten on a scale.

Our eyes met slowly and I had to clench my jaw not restraint myself from puking or seeing what he did. "You're on a forbidden floor, Duquesa" his voice was deep and bitter just like his expression. "No one mentioned that for me, just showed me my room" pointing to the second door "Duque," I said back to him. His brow lift at the fact I spoke Spanish back to him.
[Translate: Duchess... Duke]

All over again he made me sick and this time I could barely stop it "Please move" I stated and felt how the colour left my skin. For a second I thought he was going to move before he grabbed me by my arm and jerked me to my room. I hurried to the bathroom before throwing up, once again. It hit me like a train, I never knew that seeing someone get killed could get me this sick, but then again, I watch a lot of shooting movies, what makes this any different?

I rinsed my mouth at the sink then brushed my teeth to not taste the gagging taste every time I lick my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom that was linked to my room, I pulled off my shirt, not noticing the man on my bed. "¿Siempre te desnudas cuando hay alguien más en la habitación?" His question made me jump as I look at him. Then I rolled my eyes at him and threw my shirt towards him.
[Translate: do you always undress when someone else is in the room?]

He watched me carefully as I ignored his question and turn to my closet. His eyes burning against my back and then my bottom. The variety of clothes that lined up in my size was very questionable. I grabbed a grey shirt before pulling it on, not having heard how he made his way over to me. Closing my closet, turning around just to jump of how close he was. "Jamie? Right?" He asked. Trapping me against my closet and him. His arms came to my sides, resting against the closet as he stared down at me. "What do you want?" I asked, my tone made his facial expression turn to anger.

"I asked a question first" his voice dark and unpleasant. I nodded softly "Yeah" I added making myself small in his presence. "Now what I want. Is for you to never roll your eyes at me again. To not answer me" his one hand lifting to my face before grabbing it. Bringing me close to him. "And to listen when I talk" he stated darkly, our lips barely an inch away from meeting. A sharp breath was taken by me when he was this close. "Good luck with that" my smile challenging and mischievous "I'm not one to play by rules" I whispered, grabbing his hand holding my face and jerk it away from my face.

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