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After being out for a few hours with my son, discussing things for Jamie's training and her friend who she asked could stay. When my son and I got into the club, it was chaos. Over the loud music, we heard a man ranted about some girl that came in here and my heart sink into my shoes.

Making my way over to him, I saw that he was one of my usuals, and also the Don of a Mafia who was very close partners in business with me. "Roberto! What is all the fuss about?" I asked over the music. Then he turned and my eyebrows went up a bit. His shirt soaked with the blood of his bleeding nose. It took me a moment to realise how angry and pissed he actually looked. "Some bitch who came in here and entered your office after bleeding me out!" He shouted.

"Come on Roberto. I have an aid kit in my office, and a clean shirt" I stated and motioned him to follow as I walk to my office. Deep down I do wish my gut was wrong about Jamie being in my office, but that was more false hope than a kid wishing upon a lucky star. The sight of a woman's back facing us came into view as I push the door open. Her wild perfect hair curled. Her legs flexing as she leaned on the one. But the reflection of Jamie against the glass looking down a the swimming pool cold and lifeless was far more painful than being kept awake by constant fear.

"Pumpkin? What are you doing up here?" I asked, when Roberto tried to say something I heard Shane stop him. "Pappi, have you ever seen something that made you so angry that you don't care what you do anymore? The decisions you make out of envy, but knowing it will be the right choice?" Her very calm but angry voice asked. I stepped closer to her, stopping halfway so Shane and Roberto could close the door behind them. "Yes, I have. And I never looked back once since that day" I answered. "But what got you to this point?" I asked.

She glanced at me and motioned with her hand towards the window. I went closer and look with her over the swimming pool. There were only two of her friends with Lorenzo and Alvaro in the swimming pool. They splashed and played chase. Then the redhead got out and sat down on one of the benches. Alvaro went over to her and was quite nice to her before kissing her. Lorenzo and the other girl was still in the pool, but on the steps, wildly making out. Then they went deeper into the pool, small movements of the girl going up and down on him could be seen.

"You're not mad at your pregnant friend, are you?" I asked, her eyes never leaving Lorenzo and the other girl. "No Pappi, just disappointed" she answered calmly. "The other one?" I asked again, my hands inside of my pockets. "No, I'm just hurt by her loyalty towards me" she answered softly. "You love Lorenzo, don't you?" I stated. For the first time, she looked at me. "Love him, no, in love with him, yes. I've never thought that falling alone would hurt this much" she stated, I could feel how her heartbreak when I touched her shoulder.

"I knew that falling in love was different than just loving someone like a sister, but I never knew I was falling alone even if he made me feel wanted" her words going from soft to cold. Hate and anger all over her eyes. Then she turned fully to me, not one tear is seen in her eyes or the escape of tears unwillingly. "I'd rather spend my life alone, than end up falling in love alone over and over again" she stated. I had no advice for her, nor even Shane had advice for her.

Then she caught sight of Roberto standing with his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze cold on her. "I see you came back for more broken bones?" She sneered. "Now Jamie, be nice to Roberto. He's one of our important business... Partners" searching for the right word. She raised her brow before looking back at me, ignoring her father for some reason. "I've read the file, that's quite an awful list you have there. Our history and where the Mafia came from, quite interesting... Notes" she put more emphasis on 'notes'.

By smiling at her, she knew I was not one to be ashamed of where our history lied. "Mr Harada, you said something about cleaning up and a shirt?" Roberto said when it got quiet. My gaze turning to him with a nod "Yes of course. Shane go fetch the aid kit and a clean shirt for Roberto. Make sure it's in his size" I ordered and let Roberto sit. Shane instantly did what I said. It was strange to see his own daughter was less afraid of me than he was if she was not afraid at all.

He came back with the shirt and kit before handing Roberto the shirt. He undressed right there. Not closing his shirt to show off his built and chiselled body, then he reached for the aid kit. "Roberto, please. You're my guest, Jamie will attend to your wounds since she was the one who caused them" I stated satisfied, she instantly tried to object. "No buts Jamie. Attend to his wounds" I demanded her. Her smile through clenched teeth gave me a bright idea.

As she made her way over to Roberto and attended to his wounds I sat down in my chair behind my desk. "Roberto, I would like you to join Jamie for training. See if she's got what it takes to handle our job" a dark smirk crossed my lips. "I'd love to" he replied then the look on Jamie's face was even more rewarding.

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