Fight night

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"Jamie!" Lorenzo yelled as I made my way to the front door. "Jamie!" He yelled again only to get ignored once more. His hand wrapping around my arm jerking me back to him. "I'm calling for you! Don't dare to ignore me!" His voice alerting his half brother. "Why should I listen to you?! You're nothing but a liar and a player!" I responded without realising I'm raising my voice a little too loud.

"What?" His anger rising to burst point in his eyes. "What are you talking about?" He asked a little more calmly. Ripping my arm out of his grasp and take a step back from him. "Lorenzo, you knew I was into you, wanting you to be mine" my voice shaking, then I gathered all of my hate and courage to talk again. "But clearly it's more to your liking when a girl just lets you fuck her!" I stated my eyes cold daggers.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about Jamie. You know I'm crazy about you" he said taking a step closer to me and I took another one back. "You know what I'm talking about. Either you don't want to know, or you just don't care enough to lie to me" my whole body burning to let outrage, but I couldn't, I made a promise to my Prince. He shook his head as if not knowing what I'm talking about and it only proved my point more. "Jamie, I-" raising my hand to keep him silent.

"Just stay away from me Lorenzo. I don't need someone in my life who fucks someone close to me behind my back" I whispered before walking away. With my heels and dress in my hand, I went up to my room. Loneliness falling all around me and made a bottomless pit of sadness. Throwing the items in my hand on the floor before picking up my guitar and went to sit at the window. Playing a random song or more likely just notes that came to mind.

The seconds passed slowly by, each one taking longer than before. I felt how lonely love can be when only one falls. The shimming of my phone and the screen lighting up, pulled back to reality, and more importantly away from loneliness. Putting my guitar down as I rose up to my feet and walk to the bedside to get my phone. A green light flickering in the right corner. Opening my phone and open the message that I received.

I heard the twins love their new stepsister... But does she love the twins enough to do as she's told?
At 04:00 tonight, come to the abandoned forest in Clifford Crest.

Don't make us wait!


This message was beyond chilling. This also explains why Liliana and her girls are missing this past week. Dad told me they were going to their grandma in Spain for the week. Did they even make it there? And if this person wants me to go to him in Clifford Crest forest, they never left the country, to begin with. Dropping my phone on my bed and grab my hair. Panic running through me as possibilities of the twins being hurt or their mother run through my head like a marathon.

Quickly rushing to my closet and pull out some black clothes. It took me seconds to dress and pull my curly hair into a high ponytail. Instead of wearing heels, I had some sneakers on. Just as I left my room my father stopped me. "Jamie! Where are you off to so early?" He asked, clearly not once closed an eye last night. "I... Just got my period!" I lied smoothly, playing a little shy about telling my father that. His eyes shot wide "Oh! I can always get Alvaro to get you some... Things?"

"No!" I almost said too fast. "No, I am very picky when it comes to this. Specific pad, specific tampon, all those specific ones make it much more... Comfortable" my eyes locking with my father's eyes followed by a smile. "Okay then. Be back soon" he said before leaving me. I rushed down the stairs, grabbing the car keys on my way out before getting in the car and hope for the best with my driving skills.

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