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During dinner, I'd never thought that my granddaughter would actually ask something of my appearance. It felt she was sceptical of me being here. I don't blame her, I could've made my appearance sooner, but it wasn't the right time, and I do forsake myself for lying to her about coming in late. But the way she handled it was spontaneous. I'm very proud to call her my Granddaughter.

After she and her friends left, the four of us men in the house stayed behind. "Good job at not making her suspicious, Lorenzo and Shane" my voice dark and angry at them. This was a side of me only to be shown to those who needed it. It is also the side I would never let Jamie see. "Pops, what were we supposed to do? 'Yeah Jamie, you can visit him. Just don't look at the stripers and all the other fools in there?!'" my son stated angrily.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Shane!" I stated, my face turning cold and carless. I saw how he backed down when things turned like this. It was satisfied to watch him back down. "What were we suppose to tell her, Mr Harada?" Lorenzo spoke up. "Nothing" Alvaro stated dully. "Clearly she was talking to her grandfather and not you two. You could've let him handle her" he continued. Now, this was a boy who was loyal, committed and very trustworthy.

By the irritation of my son's short breath, I stood up and walk over to him. "Now Shane, you heard what Alvaro just said?" I asked calmly. My son gave me a curt not before I looked at Lorenzo. "You heard what he said?" Asking him the same thing. "Yes, Mr Harada" he responded instantly. His eyes in front of him on the table. He was a scary guy for other people, but when he was in the room with me, he was the one quivering.

"Good. And don't forget that!" I stated before sighing, straightening out my suit. "Now, for another matter, Jamie will undergo training this week, therefore you two will be skipping school" Lorenzo met my eyes slowly. "As in to test her or make her part of the business?" Alvaro asked the question on Lorenzo's mind. "Test her. So I'll be needing you two to challenge her instead of trying to fuck her!" Grabbing Lorenzo by his neck and choke him. "Do you understand me, Lorenzo?" Asking in a low voice that made a sound like a hell was opening its jaws for feeding of another soul.

"Ye- yes" he croaked out before I dropped him back into his seat. The sound of someone covers their mouth to prevent a gasp was heard from the door. I went to the door, seeing the small slit of opening and pull it open. A redhead fell to the floor before I grabbed her by the hair and shut the door. Dragging her into a seat, shoving her down to sit. "Please, sir! I didn't mean to!" She begged.

Letting out a sigh and sit on the table in front of her. "Girl, I'm not going to hurt you" my voice calm towards her but I knew I wanted to hit the lights out her for listening off. "I need you to tell me how much you have heard?" I stated. She didn't look up at me once, but every time I made a move she would jump a little. "Not much sir, just something about stripers and her going under training," she said, her hands shaking on her lap.

"If you put it like that, you make it sound like I'm going to let Jamie become a striper" rolling my eyes a little. Taking her hand in mine and pull her to her feet. Making her come closer to me. She was rattling as I lift her chin to look up at me. Her green eyes were standing out by her fiery hair. "Now all I need you to do is stay quiet" turning to Alvaro and nod for him. He stood up and came over. Taking the girl by her arm and turn her to him.

Dragging his index finger across her cheek, down her neck, between her breasts and over her stomach. "Please don't hurt me" she begged him. He mocked being sad about him hurting her. "I'd never hurt you" he stated twirling her hair, placing it behind her ear. He leaned towards her and whispered something to her that only she heard. Then her scream filled the room. She tried to pull away from Alvaro but he kept her in a position close to him.

It was only a matter of seconds before the door burst open by a panicked looking Jamie. Having heard her friend's scream.


I know this chapter is really short. Sorry. I just wanted to show you guys how Pappi behaved when his granddaughter is not in close range.

Also, what do you think of Pappi? Let me know.

°xxx Liz.

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