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Roberto pulled me back to my seat again, his touch against my skin making it burn and tingle with satisfaction. "Jamie it's just a card. They won't hurt" his voice soft but it made me angry. I hated that he made me do things it was so irritating. Without trying to get away from him I picked a card.

The lady picked it up and showed it to me. Death, love, hate and life was shown on the card. "You picked the card of good and evil. The death illustrates that someone you know will die. Life is you. The love means someone new is going to fill your broken heart, and hate..." She trailed and put down the card. "Hate shows that jealousy will cause pain and sorrow, not just for you, but for the person closest to you" she then gathered the cards and put them where she found it.

Everything spinning in my head was so confusing and frustrating. I hated that Roberto made me do this, I hate the fact that I know what may come and I hate the fact of not gonna be able to do anything about it when it happens. "Jamie, I can see you will be successful, but you have a limit period of time to choose between your past and future," she said again, my eyes snapped up at her. Anger burning in my eyes, not over what she said, but the fact that I was knowing what to expect but not knowing when or where, nor did I knew who.

Then she gasped, her eyes drawn to one part of the tent. "Your mother kicked you out of her house not long ago. I can feel her fear for you, she was afraid that you'd sent her to the hospital again" she paused as she swayed a little. I really got scared of this and letting Roberto know everything about me. "I can't listen anymore!" I stated, getting up and walk away. "Where are you going?" Roberto called after me, standing up also. "Home!" Saying with my back to him as I walked.

The lady pulled him back and told him something shocking and what to look out for before running after me. I was already out of the carnival gates, walking furiously down the sidewalk. I had no clue where I was but getting out of there was all I wanted to do.

After a few minutes, Roberto caught up to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Are you crazy! You're not walking home! Your grandfather will kill me!" His voice panicked for a moment before turning to anger. "Stop telling me what to do Roberto!" I shouted, hitting his hands away from me. "This entire time since we met you've been telling me what to do!" Clenching my jaw as I tried to gain control over myself again. "So you're blaming me that we are at the Carnival right now?" He was calm but he was really angry.

"Of the shoe fits put it on! I never said anything like that!" This was not going to end well between us and we drew attention, even more, when we got louder. "That is what it sounds like!" He shouted raising his arms shoulder level as if to prove a point. "It was your idea to say I should take you out for dinner! I would never have even think of going with you if Lorenzo wasn't in the room!" My hands forming a fist, digging my nails into my palms to cause pain. "Great! Now being here is my fault. I should've known you would play the Lorenzo card" he scoffed and turn sideways, his hands on his hips.

For a twenty-eight-year-old man and eighteen-year-old girl, we went on like a married couple. Worse than a married couple. We were two Mafia members going on like twelve-year-olds. He turned back to me and shook his head. "You're just like the rest of the girls in that club! Always blaming the other man when her love interest has cheated on her. Grow up fuck sakes!" He said, I took a step back from him and shook my head. "Yeah, sure. I'm just one of those fine girls who blame everyone. You're right Roberto" my voice starting to break.

This felt harsher than seeing Lorenzo fucking my friend. This was worse than my mother kicking me out. This was worse than seeing my father being disappointed in me. But most of all it felt far worse than being scared of even looking yourself in the mirror, trying to cover up bruises. "Agh, please don't start to cry" he groaned as if to hate the way this is playing off. His hand dragged through his hair for a second before dropping it to his side. "Please don't cry?" I scoffed and started to smile at him. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be in my shoes?" My mouth turning into a sneer.

"Do I have time to care what it's like?" His sarcasm sounding so realistic that it actually made a tear slip down my face. "Of course, I should've known you wouldn't care" I couldn't stop my tears once again from escaping my eyes. "I guess then this is goodbye then Roberto" I stated before walking past him, holding my arms against me. I didn't look back once to see if he was following me or not. Tears made my vision blur and made me struggle to see where I was walking.

Stopping in my tracks to wipe my horrible eyesight clean from the tears. After a long walk, I came down on a payphone. Pulling my dad's wallet out to insert a coin. Then it hit me, I had no one to call to come and fetch me. A sob escaped me as I put down the phone. The sound of tires on the tar stopping where I was, didn't even alert me. "Jamie" his voice called to me. I turned to a blurry Roberto before blinking. He held the door of the limo open for me. "Please get in?" He asked softly.

"I thought I said bye to you already?" sniffing softly as I hold my arms against me. He came over to me, placing his hand on my cheek and wipe the falling tear away. "I didn't say bye to you" he whispered. "And even though we are mad at each other, I'm not going to let you walk home. I'm no coward for letting a woman walk" his voice was so soft that I nearly fell into him to feel his arms around me. "I'm not going home looking like this" I stated "everyone has seen me crying enough for the weekend" looking away from his eyes.

"Then I'll take you with me," he said and run his hand down my cheek, over my shoulder and arm all the way down to my hand. Safety and comfort enfolded me. With his other hand, his lift my chin to look at him. "Come on. We both can do with more sleep than usual" he whispered and that made me smile at him. Walking back to the car he let me in first before getting in. The driver took off and we sat in silence. We were sitting on the same side but I had my gaze away from him.

"How old are you?" He asked, feeling his gaze on me was sending goosebumps over my body. "Eighteen," I said shortly. "And you?" I felt him being more hesitant than before. Looking at him and bite my lip in thought. I really wanted to know him, but our constant fighting does not agree with me. Therefore I needed to pull a stunt I would never pull on the first day of meeting someone.

And I did it. I kissed him without hesitation. At first, he was surprised before he started to kiss me back. His hand gripping the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. Everything in me ignited. The kiss we shared was more than right, it was meant to be. My hand travelled up to his neck and into his hair, pulling them to open his mouth for me. When he made a clear entrance for me, I slipped my tongue into his mouth massaging his tongue with mine.

The soft sounds of pleasure he made were satisfying to hear. I was on his lap with my legs on his sides when I pulled back from his lips. His eyes flutter open as he looked up at me, his hands resting on my hips. "Why did you do that?" He asked, his eyes wide, his lips apart as I felt his breath on me. "I don't know, I guess I wanted to" I whispered and drag my fingers over his cheek. Pressing my thumb softly to his lips to curve it.

"You're a confusing girl. First, you give me pain now you give me pleasure under four hours time" he whispered back. "Yeah. I get that a lot" I stated, a small smile on my lips. "Well, I guess I'll get used to it somewhere" he chuckled softly. The wrinkles of his eyes made him look so handsome. I leaned forward and pressed my lips once more against his lips. It was better than kissing Lorenzo and all of my previous boyfriends together.

The thought of Lorenzo ruined my mood by making me a little more aggressive towards Roberto. "Calm down Jamie" he whispered against my lips. "I'm not going anywhere" letting go a small breath before pulling away from him. "I'm sorry, just an upsetting thought," I said and look away from Roberto. Before he could say anything to me the limo pulled to a stop and he got out first to help me out.

A man stepped out and greeted Roberto before opening the door for us to enter. We walked in and he leads me to a room "You'll be staying here for the night" he pointed to the door. "Thank you," I said before entering. He let out a breath before turning and walking away. I kicked off my heels before undressing, crashing onto the bed.

Instantly I was asleep from all the tears being shed and lack of previous events. Everything was was so fluffy and soft that was under and over me.

I was asleep for at least a good two hours before just waking up. It was early in the morning. Locking at the clock on the bedside table 02:20 a.m. With a groan I lifted myself out of the bed and grab the closest piece of clothing, pulling it over my head. Leaving the room in searching for the kitchen.

When I eventually came down to the kitchen, the fridge was my best friend. Pulling open the door to see what it has to offer before taking some strawberries and cream. Digging my way into it without thinking of the possibility that someone was there with me.

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