Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


When Jungkook woke up the next morning it almost felt like he had gone back in time.

It took him a few seconds to realize that his head wasn't just messing with him and Jimin was actually lying on top of him, sleepily nuzzling his neck like the past also was the present.

His whole bed smelled like Jimin. Something Jungkook had spent the last couple of months missing.

For months there hadn't been any trace of Jimin's scent in his room. Without it Jungkook's room had felt empty and plain.

But now that Jimin's scent was finally back..So strong that it almost felt like it was clogging Jungkook's nostrils... Jungkook, for the first time in a while, had the urge to nest again.

It made him realize just how much living without Jimin had broken his heart. Even during his heat Jungkook hadn't felt like nesting.

It had felt like there was no point to it. After all it wouldn't make Jungkook feel any more comfortable.

But now, with Jimin in his arms, the boy softly sighing in his sleep Jungkook finally felt like he could breathe again.

For the first time in what felt like forever he carefully slipped out of Jimin's hold to move around the bed so he could silently and carefully move the pillows around.

Jimin didn't seem too bothered. Just grunted in his sleep when Jungkook carefully pushed him over a little as well.

He knew Jimin would understand if he ended up waking up to Jungkook nesting.

Now that Jimin was back everything had to be perfect so he and Jungkook could cuddle properly.

Jungkook didn't even notice the soft purr that slowly built up in his chest as he grew more and more content with the state of his bed.

It was only when Jimin spoke up that Jungkook realized.

"You seem happy?"

It was something between a question and a statement.

Jungkook nodded, forcibly stopping the purr rumbling in his chest out of embarrassment.

It was one thing to purr while he was being held by Jimin and getting his head scratched, but for some reason Jimin waking up to find him purring as he nested just felt too intimate.

Even with Jimin.

"I am happy... it's just... I was so stupid and almost lost my best friend because of it and now I'm simply relieved because I have you back and Taehyung seems nice and just..." He didn't know what else to say. He was just so glad to have Jimin back.

Even though he was clearly still sleepy, the smile Jimin sent him was so warm and full of love Jungkook was glad his eyes didn't betray him and made him tear up on the spot.

"I know it didn't feel that way for you... but I was never gone. You could have called me anytime..."

Jimin reached out and carefully tugged Jungkook closer before interlinking their fingers. "... and I would have come running no matter what it was about."

This time Jungkook couldn't help tearing up. Jimin was too sweet for him to deal with right now.

When Jimin's arms wrapped around him, pulling him back down to hug him tightly in the middle of Jungkook's nest, Jungkook couldn't help but think that he was probably the luckiest person alive right now.


Might do a double update if ya'll look at me cute enough😂💕

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