Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Everything clicked into place.

The alpha's scent had been familiar because Jungkook had smelled it before. Many times...

On Jimin.

His eyes flew to the door and there his best friend stood, eyes wide as he stared at Jungkook and Jungkook couldn't do anything but stare back.

Because Jimin didn't look angry. His gaze was nothing like it should have been after Jungkook had ignored him for weeks over weeks.

Instead he was looking worried. His lips turning into a small frown as his eyes skipped between Jungkook and Taehyung, who was still holding a wet towel.

"Jungkookie... you're a mess."

Maybe Jungkook should have been offended... but all he felt was that warm sensation in his stomach he hadn't felt for months...

This just was such a Jimin thing to say and he had missed Jimin. So fucking much.

Tears gathered in his eyes and his lower lip wobbled as he stared at his best friend. "Jiminie... I missed you..."

And before he could say anything more - try to explain - Jimin's little arms engulfed him as he all but jumped at Jungkook.

And Jungkook was overcome with way too many emotions. A lot had happened since the last time they had even talked eye to eye.

But Jimin's scent wrapping around him like a soft blanket hadn't changed at all. It only seemed stronger and more intense, probably because Jungkook was no longer used to being this close to Jimin.

He swallowed hard, closing his eyes as another wave of tears hit him as he wrapped his arms around Jimin, who was clinging onto him as if his life depended on it.

"I missed you so much, Jungkookie... so much..."

And for the first time in months Jungkook felt safe and at home again.

Not being able to see Jimin had been awful. But now that he had Jimin in his arms again he realized just how big of a part of himself had been missing.

Whatever it was he was feeling for Jimin, it was a lot more than a simple teenage crush.

But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that he got to hold Jimin again. Bury his face in Jimin's neck and take in the soothing scent, rubbing his cheek over Jimin's scent gland to make sure his scent would stick to Jimin's skin as well.

He could feel Jimin contentedly purring against his chest and it filled him with happiness.

Jungkook had been stupid when he had thought he could just stay away from Jimin...

And then his eyes fell on the alpha again... Taehyung.

Taehyung was watching their exchange from the same spot he had been in earlier. While Jimin and Jungkook had somehow ended up on the floor... probably due to the alcohol in Jungkook's system, Taehyung was still standing.

Jungkook could see the very moment it clicked in Taehyung's brain. As everything Jungkook had told him about his crush earlier... the whole story, clicked into place.

The fact that Jimin was Jungkook's crush plain as day to him.

Jungkook just hoped that it wouldn't start any issues between Jimin and Taehyung.

Just like Taehyung Jungkook had connected the dots. Taehyung, the alpha in front of him, was the same alpha Jimin was seeing right now.

He was Jimin's boyfriend. And while it certainly sparked some jealousy within Jungkook, the thought of Taehyung pinning Jimin to a bed... taking care of him in ways Jungkook was never going to be able to do, made Jungkook feel a little better.

It was weird, but now that he had actually met the alpha Jimin had picked, had gushed over... Jungkook got why.

Taehyung had acted in a way not that many alphas would have in his position.

He had been understanding and careful with Jungkook, clearly without ulterior motives.

And Jungkook was happy that Jimin had found someone he could trust. Someone who even Jungkook had to admit was probably capable of taking care of Jimin.

Jungkook would have understood if Taehyung had grown angry. After all Jungkook was being scented by Taehyung's boyfriend, who he clearly had a crush on.

But Taehyung just sent him a small smile. That was it.

No annoyance. No anger. No jealousy. Just a short smile, like he was glad that Jungkook had gotten his chance to reunite with Jimin.

"Should I give the two of you some space?" That was even less... normal.

Alphas usually had strong tendencies to jealousy.

And even though Jungkook wasn't another alpha, he clearly posed a thread to Taehyung's own interests.

Why would he leave the two of them alone?

Just thinking about it was hurting Jungkook's head. He was way too drunk for all of this.

"No..." Jimin pulled back to look at Jungkook's face, who felt really unstable without Jimin's arms tightly wrapped around his body.

He just wanted to bury his face in Jimin's neck again.

Jungkook barely registered when Jimin pecked his nose, wiping the residue of his tears away with his thumb.

"I think it would be better to get out of here... Jungkook, mind if I take you home?"

Home sounded nice. Jungkook wanted to be home. Then he and Jimin could cuddle and kiss again.

He really missed that.

He nodded, tiredly looking up at Taehyung, who was still way too chill about his boyfriend being this touchy with someone else.

"I will call an uber." Taehyung declared in a way that left no room for discussion. Jungkook watched as he left the bathroom before dropping his head onto Jimin's shoulder again, closing his eyes.

This felt right. This was how things were supposed to be.


I wish I could just post everything at the same time but I can't and that makes me sad:(

The next chapter is rlly cute🤧💕

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