Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


When Taehyung mouthed "You can do it." Jungkook finally got what he was trying to say.

Not that it made it any less ridiculous when Taehyung left the room.

"What did you do to him?" Jimin asked, seemingly just as confused.

Jungkook shook his head. "Nothing. I think he might have eaten something bad.. maybe while he was cooking." He tried to look as nonchalant as he could as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay?" Jimin still seemed a little confused but didn't ask. Instead he sat down next to Jungkook.

And even though there really shouldn't have been any pressure... since Jungkook didn't have to do this.

Just because Taehyung had said he should, that didn't mean he had to.

Nevertheless Jungkook felt nervous. Hyper aware of Jimin's presence next to him.

His breathing.

His small movements.

The leg touching Jungkook's.

Everything was loud and intense.

Just like Jungkook's heartbeat.

Jungkook's heart was racing. So loudly he could hear it in his ears.

Part of him was scared that maybe even Jimin could hear it. After all he was sitting right there... it would have been so easy to reach out and grab his hand... he'd just have to grab it and...

"Jungkook? Everything okay?"

Jungkook startled when Jimin was the one to reach out and take his hand, easily interlacing their fingers.

Not sure what to say he nodded. This was it. Now or never... he could just get it out and tell Jimin.

Taehyung was right. It wouldn't go wrong... because even given that Jimin wouldn't return his feelings, at least Jungkook could get them off his chest.

And it really couldn't be much of a surprise to Jimin that the boy he kept kissing had feelings for him.

Nevertheless he hesitated a little. Because this was fucking scary and part of him was terrified at the thought of somehow ruining his relationship with Jimin.

"I need to tell you something." This was it. There was no going back now. Unless he quickly came up with an excuse.

But he didn't want to. He just had to get those damn feelings off his chest, if only so he could move on.

Maybe find someone who was actually compatible with his biology. He doubted it would happen soon, but certainly not when his heart and head were still with Jimin.

"Okay?" Jimin's voice was soft. Almost reassuring as he skidded a little closer, their fingers interlaced.

If someone didn't know them they probably would have assumed they were already dating.

Jungkook sighed.

"I'm not telling you this because I'm expecting anything. This is merely because I want to get it out of my system and I know this wouldn't lead anywhere anyways..."

"Jungkook... just say what you want to say."

Jimin, who had been looking at him with a raised eyebrow during his whole ramble, squeezed his hand softly.

"Just say it."

Jungkook wondered whether Jimin would encourage him to do the same if he knew what this was about.

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