Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Jungkook did not confess to Jimin. He appreciated Taehyung telling him to go for it, but Jungkook still wasn't willing to risk their friendship for a relationship that wasn't possible in the first place.

But after Taehyung's reassurance, he felt more comfortable with Jimin being touchy with him again.

Because every time Jimin did get a little too touchy, clinging to him just a little too much, Jungkook would look at Taehyung and the alpha was always smiling.

Slowly but surely things started to feel normal. While it was still mainly Jimin talking to Taehyung, sometimes Jungkook did say something too.

He still felt a little awkward joining conversations with the couple but they never made him feel like an outsider.

What was weird though was that, even though Jungkook was still not able to have a full on conversation with Taehyung, he was completely capable of cuddling up to Jimin and be completely relaxed even when Taehyung was there.

Which was a huge thing because Jungkook never had been able to relax around anyone but Jimin.

But even though they never really talked Jungkook felt safe enough in the alpha's presence to fall asleep just a meter from where Taehyung was sitting.

That was exactly what happened on that day. Jungkook had pulled an all nighter studying for an exam, so when Jimin had asked him to come over he did, just to cuddle up to Jimin on his sofa.

He was somewhat slipping in and out of consciousness, dozily listening to snippets of the conversation between Jimin and Taehyung as he nosed at Jimin's neck.

There was a huge, purple hickey adorning his best friend's neck, but Jungkook just ignored it.

It was weird how little the fact that Jimin and Taehyung were sleeping with each other actually affected him.

Sure... he was kind of jealous, but not the intense type where it felt like Taehyung didn't deserve Jimin.

Jungkook just wished he were part of that.

"And then she told me about how a friend of hers had seen Boa at her boyfriend's house."

Jungkook could hear Taehyung gasp dramatically at Jimin's revelation and couldn't help but giggle into the crook of Jimin's neck.

Jimin certainly had gotten himself the perfect boyfriend. Taehyung was almost as dramatic as he was.

Although it was obvious the dramatic gasps were just for show Jimin was clearly happy with how responsive Taehyung was being.

Usually Jungkook just nodded along, pointing out obvious red flags that had been there from the beginning, but of course things weren't as dramatic and shocking when they were predictable.

Tiredly Jungkook moved a little higher, rubbing his cheek against Jimin's scent gland.

"What happened next?" He could hear Taehyung ask curiously.

It was funny just how atypical Taehyung seemed to be as an alpha. He liked gossip, didn't have an ounce of toxic masculinity, wasn't territorial or possessive...

If it hadn't been for his definitely alpha body, Jungkook probably would have asked him to prove the fact that he was an alpha somehow.

But the scent and looks clearly were alpha. Even if Taehyung was a very pretty alpha.

"She confronted him, of course. Guy had the audacity to play it off as her being a crazy bitch for being suspicious when she had already caught him cheating three times..." Jimin made a dramatic gesture, careful not to shake Jungkook, who was lying on top of him, too much.

"Did she break up with him?" Taehyung asked curiously.

Jimin let out a dramatic sigh before bringing up his hand to brush through Jungkook's hair, who instantly started purring.

Another thing Jungkook couldn't believe he was comfortable enough to do in front of Taehyung.

"You know her. She breaks up with him for a week and is right back in his lap when the week is over because the dicking is too good." Even though Jungkook couldn't see Jimin's eyes he knew the boy was rolling them.

"If I wasn't quite... attached to you I'd tell you to go and show her what a good dicking is so she can finally leave that man." Jimin giggled while Jungkook fake gagged.

"Please, guys, I'm still here... that's too much information." He buried his face deeper in Jimin's neck.

In an attempt to get the very vivid images of Taehyung fucking Jimin into a mattress out of his head, Jungkook continued to nose at Jimin's scent gland.

Maybe he was a little fucked up in the head, but lately the thought of Jimin and Taehyung fucking regularly had been less appalling and more appealing than Jungkook was willing to acknowledge.

Probably because he knew that that was actually happening. Of course the thought of Jimin having sex was quite the turn on.

What was weird though was that Taehyung being in those fantasies... never bothered him.

The opposite. Jungkook felt embarassed how many times he had mastrubated to the thought of Taehyung fucking Jimin.

"Sorry, Kookie." Jimin giggled, not sounding sorry at all.

"Are you awake now?"

Tiredly Jungkook nodded, moving back before rubbing his eyes.

He still felt tired. Mainly affected by the soothing pheromones both Taehyung and Jimin were filling the air with.

Jungkook had no idea if it was intentional or not but he was grateful. He had grown to love the mix of Taehyung's and Jimin's scent over the last couple of weeks.

"Why?" Jungkook yawned, moving back a little to properly sit without making Jimin's feet fall asleep.

"I was invited to a party tonight and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come. I know it's not exactly your thing but I really had a great time when we last did this."

When Jungkook thought back to the last party he had been to he remembered all his weak attempts at making conversation before getting drunk and crying in the bathroom.

Not exactly a fond memory but he no longer regretted going to that party. After all it had led to this.

But being with Jimin at one of those parties was different. Not as scary, and Jimin still knew exactly how to make Jungkook part of the groups he talked to.

So all Jungkook could do was smile and nod. Because he wanted to make Jimin happy. Because Jimin was supposed to have fun.

"Sure. Anything you want."


Love how unique their dynamic is. Like all three of them💕

Also Jungkook cuddling with Jimin made me soft af😖

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