Prologue Part 1

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Lily climbs out of the car and slams the door behind her. At this point in time, she doesn't care about chipping the paint of his precious black BMW. She just wants to get away from him. A bit of damage to his car would be his problem, it's not like he doesn't deserve it.

"Come on Lil. Don't be like that" Jason pleads with her as starts to follow.

She just shows him her right hand with only her middle finger raised as she keeps walking away from him.

"Lil, it's not a big deal."

Lily freezes and turns to face him, ready to cause bodily harm at this point. He's a typical guy. He thinks he can treat her like crap and then play it off as 'not a big deal' and that it's her fault for being too sensitive. "It is for me. I'm not some slut who'll sleep with you in the back of your stupid car."

Jason shrugs his shoulders at her. He honestly doesn't understand what he's done wrong. "Come on! We've been together for months and I've been patient enough. I've heard the rumours about you Lil so don't pretend to be all innocent"

She glares at him "You'll have to be a lot more patient because you won't have another chance to be within 2 metres of me ever again."

"Tease!" He shouts at her.

That makes something in her snap. She closes the small distance between them and raises her fist to his nose "Asshole!" She screams before walking to the back door of the Orpheum. She doesn't need to turn back to know that he is now on the floor clutching his nose in his hands. Good. Hopefully she broke it! Her hand is in a lot of pain, but he honestly deserved it.

Lily opens the back door of the club and holds up her VIP pass to the security guard waiting on the other side. He nods at the pass and moves out the way to let her through into the club.

As soon as she's inside she can hear the music and a smile forms on her tear stained face. She starts quickly wiping at her eyes to clear any signs of smudged make up before making her way into the main room to watch the end of the performance.

"Don't look down, cause we're still rising"

Luke immediately spots her in the empty club and winks at her. The small gesture causes a feeling in her chest that no other boy has ever been able to give her, only Luke. He's bouncing around the stage like a child on a sugar high. It's so obvious that he's putting everything into his performance.

She smiles but stays at the back of the room to watch the performance without causing too many distractions.

"And even if we hit the ground, we're still flying"

It doesn't take too long for Lily to start swaying along to the music. This song, which she's heard them perform hundreds of times now, is still one of her favourites of theirs. She could probably jump in to take over for one of them and perform it perfectly. Obviously, that's if she still performed but she doesn't.

She smiles wide at them. They have never sounded so good and they are so ready to perform the show of their dreams tonight.

"We ain't searching for tomorrow (tomorrow)"

Lily's smile grows at the beginning of her brothers solo and she has to resist the urge to cheer for him.

"Which ones your boyfriend?" A curly haired girl asks from behind her at the bar.

Lily has to stop herself from saying Luke. That's just fantasy talk so she just answers truthfully. "The drummer's my brother"

The girl smiles "They're really good"

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