Chapter 1

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Lily didn't mind death. She was finally thankful for the peace so she could finally be alone away from all the pressures that she'd had to deal with in life. She was finally free from her parents and their impossible perfect standards. In their eyes, if their daughter was going to be a musician then she was going to be the best. That meant they had her take music lessons as soon as she was able to hold the tiny guitar that they gave her as a toddler.

With Alex, they had given up expecting things from him as soon as he came out to them. He no longer represented the image of the perfect child they had in their mind. That meant more expectations on Lily. She would go to school and then spend the rest of her time at music rehearsals. By the age of She was confident on guitar, piano and violin but she could play a bit of drums too from jamming with Alex.

When Lily stopped playing music, her parents were furious at her, so she lie to keep them off her back. She would lie and tell them about rehearsals and recitals just to keep them happy. She was at boarding school and it's not like they cared enough to check. She made sure to intercept any letters sent home and even got Luke to help her change her music grades in her report card.

To finally be free from all that pressure that she had on her shoulders makes Lily feel like she can finally breath (Even though she's dead).

After falling down the stairs, there was the whole thing where Lily's spirit floated out her body and then she reawakens in a dark room. It takes a while for her to see that it's the auditorium because its too dark. She just spends a few hours sitting in silence, continuously braiding her blonde hair to keep her hands busy. Then she spends another few hours dancing around the empty stage, jumping and spinning around. Feeling more liberated than she's felt for a long time.

After a while there's a weird feeling in Lily's chest and then it's like she's being pulled from the room. The next time she looks up, she's in a teenage girl's bedroom.

In front of her is a teenage girl with curly hair. Lily can only see the girls back but she can hear sobbing so she can tell the girls upset. Part of her wants to console the girl but she's pretty sure ghosts are invisible so she just poofs out of the room before she can disturb the girl. She's gone before the girl has a chance to around where she definitely would've been able to see the ghost. In fact, she had just met three ghosts in her garage.

For some reason, Lily finds herself outside the Orpheum with no idea why she's there. The last time she was here was the night the boys died. So about 6 weeks ago?


The blonde ghost freezes at the sound of her name. It doesn't even occur to her that it may just be someone calling someone with the same name as her.

She turns around and finds herself glancing upwards to find three boys sitting on top of the Orpheum sign looking down at her. Three boys who look identical to ones who died here.

"Oh my god! You're here too!" Lily shouts.

The boy's poof down so that they are standing in front of her. They all exchange confused glances with each other. "What's going on? How can we see you? How do you still look like that?"

Lily glances down at her outfit, her school uniform. She's completely oblivious to the real reason behind their confusion. "That's mean. I'm new at this so I don't know how to change my clothes"

Alex steps towards her "What do you mean 'new to this'?" he asks, starting to become concerned because he thinks he knows the answer.

"This ghost thing. You guys have weeks of more experience than I do"

The blonde drummer immediately pulls his sister into a hug while the other boys stand behind them. Both look like someone's just punched them in the stomach.

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