Prologue Part 2

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Lily is allowed two weeks at home to grieve before she's sent back to boarding school. In the two weeks, she ignores every attempt to talk to her. Her parents bring her food which she doesn't eat. They bring her schoolwork which is left untouched on her desk. She doesn't leave her room, just sits on her bed feeling completely numb.

The breaking point comes the day of the funeral for all three boys. The one day where Lily has to leave her room. She needs to go so she can see if this is actually happening. Are they really gone?  Her mom keeps telling her the funeral will be good for her. It'll give her closure so she can move on.  Lily keeps hoping that's true. She wants pain to get better. She wants an excuse to keep going.

The closure doesn't come. Lily sits in the church, watching people talk about the boys like they knew them, but they didn't. None of them talk about how important the music was. Without music, they couldn't be the boys she knew and loved.

Lily glances to other side of the church to see Bobby. He looks completely devastated and she all of a sudden feel bad that she didn't contact him. They were his family too. They both roll their eyes every time someone talks about how the boys were loved by everyone who knew them. They were loved by everyone who knew them, but it was only Lily and Bobby who truly knew them.

After the service, there is a wake at Lily's house which has been arranged by her parent's. The couple have managed to perfect the act of grieving parents. Mrs Martin is going around telling the guests that Alex was such a lively spirit with the kindest heart while Mr Martin used the event as an opportunity to show off his new vintage car. He's not completely heartless though, he has the sense to bring up the time when Alex was 6 when they went to a vintage car show and they drove around in an old vintage car similar to the one he now owns.  He fabricates this whole shared hobby for vintage cars that the father and son developed after that day. Only Mr Martin would use his son's death as an excuse to buy his dream car.

Lily watches her parents the whole evening. She so focused on watching them that she doesn't notice the amount of champagne she drinks.  She doesn't notice it until she watches her father open the garage and point to where his new car is parked right next to Alex's old drum set and says, "My boys two greatest passions will always stay here together."

That one sentence is what finally causes Lily to snap. She steps into the garage and kicks the drum set over, knocking the whole thing over. "How dare you?!" She screams at her father.

Mr Martin turns to his daughter "Calm down sweetie" He says the words soothingly but the look in his eyes is anything but.

"Alex hated vintage cars. He doesn't even care about cars and he definitely didn't bond with over them."

Mrs Martin steps out the house to see what's happening, followed by a crowd of funeral guests. "Lilith, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" She scoffs looking at her parents "What's wrong is that your lying to all these people! Alex hated you. He only stayed here as long as he did because he didn't want to leave me alone!"  Lily glares at her parents, tears falling from her eyes for the first time since that phone call almost two weeks ago.

She looks out into the crowd "You want to know the real reason he 'moved out'? it wasn't for independence so he could pursue his career like my parents claimed. They kicked him out! They kicked him out because he was gay, and they couldn't accept that!"

Bobby walks toward the young blonde. He'd never really been close to her. They were friends but only because of the others. But he feels like he has a responsibility to the boys to protect her now "Lily..."

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