Chapter 1

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𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓶 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓱𝓮𝓻.

Elle's eyes squinted as she looked up at the horizon, she couldn't see anything. It was all just dusty clouds, that of which the wind caused. The sand swiftly turned itself around, as if the tiny little specks were dancing around in the air. The only sound was the hollow of the wind on the hill, and the soft sound of her horses hooves against the grains of sand. The sun was about to set meaning the cold night air would roll in soon.

She pulled her reins back as she found a small patch of dried grass off the trail she was traveling on. Her horse, whom she had named Ash because he looked like fire ash's after a long night of drinking by the fire, had come to a stop. Elle jumped off the horse and rubbed her legs as they ached from sitting on her saddle all day. She then pulled out some grains she kept on her side patch on the saddle and grabbed a handful, feeding it to Ash while praising his good job of walking all day.

After getting some food for herself which consisted of stale bread, water, and some canned beans, she set up a fire and laid out a blanket to lie down on. Ash had laid himself down across from her and she watched the horse slowly fall asleep after the long day of traveling.

She had made her way South, as she had just passed through Bisbee, finding nothing of importance she decided to head up North again. Pulling out her map from her satchel, she say that she should head Northwest to head to Tucson, but she'd have to make another stop. Ash could never make it, and plus, Elle wanted a day to relax. Taking a closer look on her map, she saw the little mining town of Tombstone. Pulling out her compass, she measured that going Northawest would indeed take her to Tombstone. Putting the map down, she agreed to herself that stopping in Tombstone was her best option.

Ellanora put her things away and lay down on her blanket, looking up at the stars. Sighing, she closed her eyes and listened to the night talk to her. The many sounds of the desert filled the empty void of the night. The air had turned cold but the fire next to her kept her warm. Opening her eyes again, she met the gaze of the stars. She watched them shine and twinkle as sleep overcame her.

The hot morning air suddenly flooded the land as Elle packed her things back onto her saddle. Patting Ash one more time, she reached up and swung her legs over the saddle. She looked to the Northwest and felt the familiar feeling of a lost traveller. She always felt this when she was going to a new town. Elle shook the feeling off her chest and urged Ash to start their long journey to Tombstone.

The sun beamed it's rays down on Elle and Ash as they travelled their way to Tombstone. A small sandstorm had reached the ground, casing Ash to slow down and Elle covered her face with a piece of cloth she had. Keeping her head down from the windy sand, she trusted her stead to follow the beaten trail to the town of silver. As the dust cleared she pulled the cloth that was tied around her face and took off her hat. Brushing the sand from her face and as well as her hat, her eyes gazed at the horizon.

There, far away, but not too far, we're buildings. She had made it. That was Tombstone. Putting her hat back on her head she passed through many wagons filled with traveling families and couples trying to make a fortune in a new place. She watched as children  ran around and giggled to each other, their mom there hung clothes to dry.

Passing the many wagons and families, she turned her way into the Main Street of Tombstone, Allen Street. This town was alive! Men and women of different classes and ethnicities wandered the streets as men on horses and some held wagons with women in the back. A few women yelling women's rights walked past her and she smiled at them as they passed. One thing that got her attention was the amount of saloons in the town. No matter where she looked, there was a saloon.

Elle steered Ash towards the Grand Hotel. She jumped off her horse and stretched out her bones before tying up her horse. As she tied Ash, she noticed some ladies were staring at her, their face covered by fans, but their eyes burned into Ellanora. She glanced at them and saw the look on their faces. Pure disgust. Elle sighed and grabbed her satchel from Ash and walked into the hotel.

The hotel lobby was small, but was bigger from a few others she had stayed in. The man behind the counter looked up from his book and looked back down.

"How may I help you sir?" He asked her while still looking at his book.

Elle took off her hat as she approached him, he glanced up again and did a double take. His face turned pale and he closed his book. Elle waited for his next words.

"My apologies Miss, I-I thought you were-"

"A man." Elle cut him off. His eyes grew wide, and she gave him a stilled smile.

"Is there a room available?" She asked ignoring the event that just happened.

The man was still shaking off his mistake and nodded, "Y-Yes, how long will you be staying miss?" He seemed to stumble with his words.

"Just one night." She said plainly.

The man behind the counter turned around and picked up a key from a slot that was labeled 'Room 5'. He put the key on the table and smiled meekly at her. "Many people say they only want to stay for one night." He let out a nervous laugh. "They always stay longer, they find wealth, a fortune... a lover." He whispered the last part.

Elle looked at the key and then back at the man. She pulled out the money and lay it on the table, brushing the hair out of her face she spoke. "I didn't come here for money, for silver, for a lover." She watched the man blush, "I'm only passing through." She stated.

The man nodded and took the money from the desk, sliding the key towards Elle. "Room 5, enjoy your stay in Tombstone." He said shyly. She nodded and walked past the desk, up the stairs to the second floor.

The floor below her creaked with age as her boots clicked at every step. Walking down the short hall she found room 5 and started to unlock her door. Before she could open it, she heard coughing from another room. She looked over her shoulder as the coughing got worse. Ellanora couldn't tell what room it was coming from, but the cough sounded painful.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to her room and found a soft white sheeted bed, with a pitcher of water at the end of it. A vanity held a mirror which reflected her looks back at her. She put her satchel down on the bed, sitting on the soft linen, she lay on her back, smelling the clean sheets. Her eyes opened once again when she heard the coughing start up again.

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