Chapter 10

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𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪 𝓵𝓪𝓭𝔂, 𝓷𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓷.

"You don't have to do this Ellanora." Wyatt said taking his hat off his head.

Elle shifted on her seat and inhaled sharply. "I'm fine Wyatt, I can do this."

The pair stood in Fred's old area, the Marshalls office. Judge Spicer was told to come to Tombstone as quick as he could, which was in three weeks time. Elle unfortunately extended her stay, she needed to testify, for Fred.

Standing in his old office gave Ellanora a fluid of emotions. She felt her strong facade fade for a moment but came back on when John Behan and Judge Spicer walked into the room. The two stood up as they entered.

"Judge Spicer, Wyatt Earp and Ellanora Raycroft." Behan said as the Judge sat down. He was older, older as in Fred's age. His hair was starting to turn white and his beard was peppered in grey.

The two sat down and Behan left for them to talk in peace. Facing the the two, the Judge looked confused at Ellanora. "A women was present?" He asked Wyatt.

"Yes sir." Wyatt said as he glanced at Elle.

"Well alright." He huffed and looked at Wyatt. "Did you see anything?"

"Well, I heard the gunshot and ran outside to see Miss Raycroft over the body of Free White and Curly Bill with the guns in his hands." Wyatt said shifting in his seat.

"What about you Miss Raycroft." Spicer asked.

"I had just returned from a ride," she fiddled with her hat that lay on her lap, "I was just down the street at the barn, I heard gunshots and when I turned the corner, Fred White was talking with Curly Bill." Clearing her throat she started again, "he then shot Mr.White, I ran over to try and save him." Ellanora's voice trailed off.

"I see." Spicer said nodding. "There's nothing I can do." He said suddenly.

"What?" Wyatt said standing up.

"I'm sorry your testimonies don't stand." The judge said standing up, Elle stood as well.

"But I saw him kill Fred! I saw it happen!" Elle yelled, anger building in her.

Spicer shook his head and raised an eyebrow, "Your a women, no one is gonna believe you, your lucky I don't accuse you of killing the poor man." He scuffed. Spicer walked towards the exit.

"You've got to be kidding me." Wyatt said rubbing his face.

"Listen here Spicer," Elle blocked his way to the door, "I saw Curly Bill Kill Fred White, I didn't imagine it, he was my friend." She spoke between her teeth.

"And your just a lady who's lost her way, why don't you go change out of the boys clothes and be a proper lady, hmm?"

Elle went to lunge at the man by Wyatt Earp grabbed her as she yelled at the judge.

"GET THIS GIRL OUT OF HERE BEFORE I THROW BOTH OF YOU IN JAIL!" Spicer yelled as Wyatt held Ellanora.

Wyatt threw Elle out of the office and into the street, she growled at him and Wyatt held her arm. "Are you mad?!" Wyatt yelled. "You could have gotten us thrown in jail!"

"But that son of a bitch knows I saw it but won't hang Bill!" She pulled away from his grasp and dusted herself off.

"Why does it matter to you? I thought you were just a traveller!" Wyatt put his hat back on, "What happened to travellers don't make friends?!" Wyatt yelled at the women who just stood there shocked.

"If you so please," she said calmly as she could, "then I will leave."

"Just go Ellanora." Wyatt waved his hand in annoyance, he then turned and walked away from Elle.

Ellanora Raycroft was once again, left alone. She scuffed and stomped her way back to her hotel. She wanted to leave then and there. But something told her to stay. Was it the threat of the cowboys, Ike Clanton, Curly Bill, Johnny Ringo? Was it the thought of the relationships she had made, with Allie Earp, Fred White, Doc Holliday? She lay down on her body and let silent tear fall. She felt conflicted.

Opening her eyes she heard a knock on her door. Sitting up, she didn't realize she had fallen asleep, but the sun was about to go down. The day was gone. Standing up she opened the door and saw Virgil standing there looking very disheartened.

"Virgil?" She asked, sleep lacing her voice.

"Ellanora, I was hoping you were still here." Virgil said softly. "Wyatt told me about earlier."

"Yeah, maybe he's right, I should just go." She said turning away from him. Virgil stepped into the women's room.

"You know he didn't mean it Ellanora. Wyatt says things he doesn't mean."

The pair fell silent, Elle sat down on the edge of her bed before speaking again.

"He didn't believe me Virgil," she whispered, "they let Curly Bill go."

"I know." Virgil sat next to her and patted her back. Elle looked up at the man and saw the shine of a badge.

"You got sworn in?" Elle asked. Virgil looked at the badge and sighed.

"Me and Morgan. Wyatt wants nothing to do with it."

"Why, I thought you came here for a new life?"

"We did but," Virgil stopped, "I can't live here if people are suffering, people are afraid in this town. I want to have justice for the people of Tombstone." Elle nodded as if to understand. "Join me," Virgil suddenly said.

Elle looked at him in confusion, "Virgil-"

"Last time I asked you said there was no place in law for a lady, well why not prove them wrong. Help me and Morgan, we could use your intelligence and skills."

Ellanora stood up from her bed and paced the floor for a moment, Vigil watched in silence as she rubbed her face. "I can't Virgil, you know that."

The oldest Earp nodded and walked towards the door, "when are you leaving?"

"I'm not sure anymore." She mumbled.

"At least join me at the Oriental, in case it's your last time."

Elle looked at Virgil, he gave her a soft smile when she grabbed her gun and hat from her bed. Closing the door behind her, she sighed to herself and made their way to the saloon.

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