Chapter 35

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𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮.

"I think it's about time you stretch those legs." Emily said grabbing some clothes from the cabinet.

Elle had been in bed for about a week now, her wounds were healing fast and she was in less pain. She was still in the dress from Eliza and she smelled just a little like death and dirt.

"We can get you out of that dress and into a bath." Emily said, "I'll help you of course. Waters boiled now in the next room over." Emily said as Elle pulled the covers back.

She looked down at her leg, the faint lines of the stitches still stuck out like a sore thumb on her skin. Elle slowly turned her body and pulled her legs off the edge of the bed. Her toes touched the cold wooden floor and she almost leaned into its rough texture. She didn't know how much she missed the feel of wood below her feet. Emily stood next to her and helped her stand up, Elle putting a lot of her weight on the young nurse. With one arm slung over her shoulder and another holding her hand, Emily guided Elle to the next room over which was the bathroom.

In the middle of the room was a steaming hot bath in a large wooden tub for her to sit in. Emily let go of Elle and she leaned on the wall. Emily untied her corset and peeled off the layers of the dress from Eliza. It stuck to her body with sweat and blood.

Once it was off, Emily helped Elle into the bath and washed her up.

"Doc was asking about you." Emily said as she washed her wounds. "Wondering if you were feeling alright."

Elle had gotten sick from the past few days. Emily chalked it up to blood loss, which resulted in Elle throwing up and feeling sick late into the night. Emily was there for her every night. Doc would join them just to make sure Elle was alright. But he didn't know how to help like the nurse could. So he would sit next to Elle, stroking her hair and holding her as she threw up.

"I do feel a little better today." Elle said softly.

"Maybe we could bring you downstairs to the porch. Get some fresh air." Emily said leaning towards her smiling.

Elle nodded. She was sick of being in bed.

Once Emily helped wash Ellanora, Emily grabbed the clothes from her bed.

"I know you always wear pants but..." Emily unfolded the clothes and revealed a dress. Elle groaned. "I know, but I don't want to slip pants on you and have your stitches pop out."

"But a dress." Elle frowned, making Emily laugh at the girl.

Once she was dressed in a simple white dress, Emily helped Elle downstairs to the porch. Sitting down in a rocking chair, Emily walked back into the house once she heard the baby cry from the kitchen.

Looking out over the valley, the sun started to set causing the land to glow in a orange hue. Elle watched Wyatt help Emily's husband Kurt bring the cattle into the barn for the night. She took a deep breath and smelled the wet grass from the storm that passed through. Closing her eyes she felt at peace. These past four months had been very stressful and nonstop for everyone.

Opening her eyes she watched Kurt and Wyatt wave their arms, trying to get the cows in the barn. Wyatt walked over the the gate and closed it once the last cow was in the barn. He turned to the porch and saw Ellanora watching the men. Kurt grabbed the ropes for the big gate and tied it up. Both men walked towards Elle.

"Miss Raycroft." Kurt nodded to her.

She had only seen Kurt once since she arrived, only seeing him helping Emily with her wounds late into one night. He was a kind gentle man, curly blonde hair stuck out from under his hat. His pale skin burned red from the sun, as freckles presented themselves on his cheeks and nose. He was clean up and no facial hair, which was a new refreshing view, as Elle was stuck with all men with either stubble or moustaches.

"Mr.Harris." She smiled as he walked into the house to clean up.

Wyatt stood at the top of the white steps with his hands on his hips, and hugged a laugh at the girl who sat there smirking.

"It's nice to see you up." Wyatt said.

"It's nice to be up." She laughed.

Elle heard footsteps behind her and heard a stiffed cough. Turning her gaze towards the doorway, she saw Doc standing there.

"We'll look who's up." He said smiling.

Elle smiled and watched as he leaned on the pole before the steps on the porch, next to Wyatt. Crossing his arms he looked at her, "How do you feel?"

"Stiff, sore, but not sick." She slowly blinked and sighed. "I never got to thank you two for saving me." She played with the fabric of her dress. "You were right, I did need someone with me. I couldn't do it alone."

"We're just glad you're alright." Wyatt nudged Doc who nodded in agreement.

The woman smiled down to her lap as she fiddled with her fingers. "Remember when Morgan died, he said he didn't see a light?"

She looked up at the two men, the mood shifted. Wyatt slowly out his hands off his hips and his face paled at the mention of his younger brother. Wyatt pulled the chair next to Elle closer and sat in front of her. Doc no longer leaned on the pole and instead stood tall, watching Wyatt turn pale and sit in front of Ellanora.

Wyatt had mentioned that Morgan thought that when he died he would see a light and be welcomed into heaven. But when he died on that pool table, he said to Wyatt in a grasp of one last words, that he didn't see a light. That it was cold and dark.

"I saw that light." She whispered.

Wyatt looked down to the ground, making Elle lean forward in her chair, she winced in pain and Doc rushed to her side to help, but she brushed him off. Leaning forward she reached for Wyatt's hands.

"I believe he saw a light. That he felt the warmth of love when he passed." Wyatt looked up at her as she spoke, "I know he did."

Wyatt stood up, pulling away from her grasp. Elle looked up at him as his gaze and mind were elsewhere. He took a few steps towards the house and stopped, he laid his hand on Ellanora's shoulder and sighed.

"I believe he did too kid." He whispered, just enough for Elle and Doc to hear.

Doc watched his friend walk into the house, leaving him with Elle who looked down at her hands as well. He sat in Wyatt's spot and leaned towards her to get her attention.

"I saw him." She admitted, Doc looked at her, "Henry, I talked with him."

Doc grabbed her hands and listened as she spoke, "He told me to let go, that he let go of me so I could live the life he couldn't give me." Ellanora frowned and looked towards the setting sun. "He told me he had a choice, like I did."

"What was your choice?" Doc asked.

Elle looked at him, looking at his face and features. Smiling she stood up, with the help of Doc of course. Stumbling, she walked back into the house, leaving Doc to wonder what she chose and for what reasons.

What was the choice, and what did she choose?

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