Chapter 52

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𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓮. 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓷, 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴. 𝓑𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮.

Ellanora paced back and forth in the lobby of the sanatorium, where she was the night before. The same nurse wasn't there, there was now an older nurse sitting at the front desk.

Elle slowly walked back and forth, the doctor said he would see her in a moment. She hadn't seen Doc since last night when she brought him in.

When she fell asleep the night before, she had nightmares of death covered in black, holding the hands of everyone she loved. She hadn't slept very good, but it was better then nothing. Elle didn't dawn her heavy coat, instead she had her button up tucked into her pants. Her hat still lost in the valley somewhere across the boarder.

"Miss Holliday."

Elle turned around and was greeted by an older gentleman who was tall and thin. His classes hung on the bridge of his nose, with a white beard. He didn't have much hair in his head either. He wore a long white coat and dressed in a suit and vest.

Elle approached the man as he nodded to her. Elle noticed that there was no judgement here. Everywhere she had gone, people would judge her for wearing pants, because she was a lady. But she didn't get the suspicious eyes of the people around her.

The doctor led Ellanora to the hall of beds, passing the bed where the man had died last night. White curtains separated each bed, giving them as much privacy as possible. Nurses chatted with patients around their beds and checked on them in the morning sun. The windows were still open, as the morning air filled the stuffy hospital.

The doctor stopped at one curtain, far into the back of the hall, and drew it back to reveal Doc laying in bed. His eyes peeled open once he heard the curtain open. His eyes landed on his wife and he smiled as she rushed to his side. She sat on the chair next to him and grabbed his cold hands. She kissed them and held his face as she was glad to see him awake.

She had no words for the man in front of her, she was just glad he was here, glad he was alive.

The doctor cleared his throat and Elle turned to him. "May I speak to you for a moment Miss Holliday?"

Elle looked back to Doc who nodded to his wife. His eyes tired and red from everything they had been through.

She stood up and followed the Doctor away from the bed and put his hands in his pockets. Once they were out of earshot of Doc, he rubbed his beard.

"I know you travelled a long way to get here Miss Holliday." The doctor said to her, "but I'm afraid his condition has gotten to advanced for us to do anything."

Elle looked at him for a moment, "W-what do you mean?"

The doctor put his head down for a moment, "I'm afraid he has a very limited time left."

Elle looked back to Doc, tears came to her eyes as her fears were coming true. "H-how long?" Her voice trembled with anxiety.

The man shook his head. "Weeks, maybe a month if he's lucky."

Elle felt a lump in her throat. She felt sick. Ellanora turned around and slowly walked back to Doc who was now asleep in his bed. She sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. Bowing her head. She let tears fall from her face.

Her nightmares seemed to become real in that moment. After everything they had been through, now here he lay, dying from this sickness.

Ellanora began to shake as she looked up at the gunslinger. His eyes opened again as he felt her tears on his hand. He tried to sit up but was pushed back by a coughing fit.

"Elle." He gasped out.

Elle put her hand on his cheek and shushed him, "It's okay."

"I love you." He said longingly.

Elle bit back her tears and nodded, her eyes filled with tears. "I love you too."

Ella sat on the bench outside of the sanatorium, in the garden that they had. She stayed with Doc everyday. She never left his side anymore. Even through the night, she slept on the chair next to him.

It reminded her of the night when he passed out in Tombstone. Elle had stayed in the room with Doc Holliday all night, making sure he was well, and didn't die through the night.

Those were promising times, she thought. Back when things were alright. Morgan was alive, the feud with the cowboys were still small. The shootout didn't happen yet. All she worried about back then was when she was going to leave town, and leave Doc Holliday.

Now she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave Doc Holliday's side.

It was one of Doc's good days. He had a little more energy then usual, so he accompanied Ellanora to the garden just outside the sanatorium.

The sun shone on them as the birds chirped in the morning air. The smell of the flowers filled the air as the November air started to rush in. Everything was peaceful in that moment. The two sat on the bench, watching the world pass by them. Not a care in the world.

Secretly Ellanora worried. She was always worried now.

A week had past since they arrived and with each passing minute, Elle feared it would be Doc's last. She worried he would die in a fit of coughs, or drown in his own blood. She didn't want to see him die so painfully.

Doc nor Ellanora talked about what the doctor had told Elle. But she knew Doc knew his days were numbered. He didn't fight it, he didn't seem to be bothered by it. Which made Elle upset in some ways. She wanted him to care because he would leave Elle alone in this world with nothing.

Ellanora also didn't want to talk about it. It broke her heart too much.

"Anna." Doc said softly.

Elle turned to him, Doc never ever called her by her real name. He knew it, but never used it.

Doc looked up to the trees as the leaves danced in the wind. "When I'm gone," he started, "don't run."

"Doc." Elle whispered.

Doc looked at her, "Please call me John." He spoke softly as well. Elle nodded, tears forming in her eyes.

"Don't run darling." He stated, "You've run for so long. After Henry you ran from your past. Please," he grabbed Elle's hands, "Don't run once I'm gone."

Elle looked at him, tears in her eyes, looking for an answer.

"Find someone, a place, anything." He took a deep breath, as talking was getting harder for him, "Put your beautiful mind to work. Live a life that means something."

"But this means something." Elle gasped out.

"I know darling." He patted her hand, "I know it does, but," Doc looked away for a moment, "my days are numbered, we both know that."

"John, please." Tears fell from her eyes.

"If you love me, as much as you say you do, if you truly care for me, as I do you. Then you'll leave Colorado once I'm gone." Tears started to form in Doc's eyes, "Leave, and don't look back. Go be something of yourself. Show the world that a women can do a mans job."

Elle looked at Doc with tears falling down her face. Tears slipped down Doc's face as he pleaded his wife to do what he asked of her.

Doc looked up to the sun, smiling to himself, he closed his eyes. "We are two hearts joined together, we will be forever as one, my brother under the sun."

Elle smiled to him, her heart broken, but in the right place. The women leaned her head on his shoulder, letting her tears fall.

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