Chapter 24

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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓮𝓻.

That night was filled with nightmares and fear from the past. Seeing his dead eyes and the bullet in his head made her sick every time she thought of it. Ellanora couldn't sleep so when the sun was just about to come up, she walked over towards the hill and sat on top. She pulled her knees to her chest and lay her head on them. She watched the sun shine on the valley, telling the world that it was time to start a day.

She looked down at the valley and looked at the three crosses that stood strong in the sand. Someone then sat next to her and looked out over the valley towards the sun.

Wyatt Earp sat there and don't speak for a moment. Both took in the morning air as the earth began to warm after a cold night.

"I guess it'd be safe to assume that you came on this ride for your parents and friend." He said not looking at her.

Elle didn't say anything. She thought. Was that really why she did it? She started to question her true motives. Did she do this for a reckoning like Wyatt, for his brothers. Or did she do it for herself. To have a final resting place when all this is said and done.

"I've been running for three years Wyatt." Ellanora said. "I don't know what to do once this is done."

"You settle down. Live the life you were meant to live. You stop running." Wyatt turned to the girl and spoke sternly to her. Like an older brother.

"But I'd don't deserve that life."

"Yes you do. You deserve it like the rest of us."

"Me deserving that died with Henry!" Elle protested. Before she could think, she realized that she admitted her love for Henry.

Wyatt looked her straight in the eyes, "He would want you to have that life. He wouldn't want you to run anymore."

Elle out her head back down on her knees and Wyatt turned his head to the sun. "Do you think," Elle stopped herself, "do you think Morgan is watching us?" She asked like a child.

Wyatt sighed and glanced up toward the sky. "I sure hope so kid." He whispered.


"Hm?" He turned to her.

"What happened at the river?" She finally got the courage to ask the question that was eating her for the last few days.

Wyatt turned away and sighed again. "I felt this power overcome me. Like, someone or something was telling me that death isn't something to be afraid of." Elle watched his eyes flicker on the horizon. "I did it for Morgan. I don't know what came over me. But I know I did it for Morgan."

"Morgan would be proud." Ellanora said smiling.

Wyatt smiled at her and both sat there. Elle leaned her head on his arm and he lay his head on top of hers. "Your a good brother." Wyatt joked, causing both to laugh.


"How are ya feeling darling?" Doc asked as he stood next to Elle on the hill. Wyatt had returned to camp and helped pack their things.

"I'm alright." She smiled at his gaze.

"I uh, noticed your pistol as the engravings H.C.J."

Elle looked on her hip and saw the gun hanging out of his holster. The sliver casting shined in the sunlight as the cravings ruined its smooth outside. "It was Henry's."

"Did he teach you to shoot?"

"Yeah he did." She laughed at a memory, "once I accidentally grazed his shoulder. He said he would never trust me with a gun ever again." Doc laughed as the women smiled at the memory. Her smile faded away and sadness covered her face.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I had no idea." Doc spoke softly.

"It's not your fault." She looked up at him, "I never wanted to tell anyone." Elle admitted.

"That's understandable." Doc said nodding his head.

"I'm sorry for what I said about Kate." Elle blurted.

Doc turned to her and watched as Elle's eyes watched the sun. Her hair blowing ever so slightly in the wind. Doc was surprised by her apology but then again he wasn't. She was changing in a way. He found out about her past and her motive. He felt a wave of relief and belonging wash over him.

"You were right about Kate." Doc admitted. "I would be lying to myself if I said she truly loved me."

The two stood in silence once again. "You know," Elle said turning to him, "the night I stayed with you, when you passed out." Doc turned his gaze to her as Elle's eyes flickered to the ground. "In the middle of the night you called me Elle."

Now fully turned to her, Doc faintly recalled the very early morning encounter the two had. He had woken from the air leaving his lungs and the blood taste in his mouth. Before his coughs racked his body, he saw Elle's frame in the chair. Her head titled to the side, her eyes closed, face relaxed. The candle glow from the road below creeped its way into the window and gave her face a warm orange hue. He lay there, admiring her beautiful peaceful face.

Doc didn't know why he called her Elle. He never thought of it. It wasn't until Ellanora snapped at Wyatt for calling her Elle, did Doc realize he had the night before.

"The only person who called me Elle was Henry." She whispered. "Since he died, I never wanted to hear that name again. So I took my mother's middle name, Ellanora." She sighed and looked up at Doc, "But that night, I didn't mind. It felt natural from you." She laughed and realized what she was saying.

And with that Elle smiled to Doc and walked down the hill to camp to pack her things. She left Doc Holliday to his own mind, where he was thinking of her. Thinking of Elle and how she had grown. Remembering that night, and how she stayed with him. Kate would have never done that.

Once the rest of the group was all packed away, they decided it was time to leave the house and barn. The morning was cool as the fall weather started to creep it's way into the valley. The air was dry and cold.

Ellanora kneeled next to the graves, the wind blowing her hair softly. "I love you." She whispered to the three graves.

Walking back towards the men, who were packing their things, she smiled to Wyatt who was watching her say her goodbyes to those she once loved. Getting on Ash, the group passed the graves and went up the hill. Elle looked down at the place she once called home. Watching for a moment she took it all in before turning away and not looking back. She finally did listen to Henry's words. She didn't look back this time. She didn't want to go back.

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