Chapter 34

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𝓗𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽.

Elle didn't know how long she lay there. She watched the curtains flow in the wind. Her mind for once wasn't racing. It was calm. She her muffled voices from outside her window. She couldn't make out who was outside, nor did she really care at that moment.

Emily had brought her some soup broth, but she wasn't hungry. She left it on the nightstand where it lay, now cold.

She was tired, despite sleeping for who knows how long. Elle didn't know what day it was, or what hour of the day. Judging by the suns rays shining in the room, she guessed it was past noon.

She heard footsteps approach the door, it screamed as it opened. Turning, her gaze lay on Doc Holliday. She shifted in her bed and winced once she forgot she was wounded. He walked slowly towards her, his boots clicking as he took each step. He took off his hat before standing at the front of the bed.

"Doc." Her voice was horse.

"Ellanora." He smiled, seeing his friend was alive and alright.

"What happened?" Elle asked.

Doc lay his hat on the bed and sat down next to Elle. "One of the cowboys stabbed you. Knife right through your thigh and shoulder."

Elle turned away and nodded. "I didn't get anything from him." Her voice cracked, she felt a weight fall on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, I tried but I didn't get anything, and I feel so-"

She stopped babbling once Doc lay his hand on hers. Tears slipped from her eyes.

"You're alive." Doc said softly, "That's all I care about."

Doc leaned his other hand to her cheek and whipped away the tears that slipped down her cheek. Brushing this thumb across her cheekbone, she leaned into his touch. He smelled of cigarettes. His smooth hand lay on top of her soft pale cheek, Elle closed her eyes.

Doc looked down at Elle and felt a bubbling in his chest. He watched Elle close her eyes and embrace his touch. She leaned into it.

Opening her eyes, Ellanora saw Doc's eyes shinning down on her, like stars in the night sky. They were brighter then the sun.

"You know," Doc whispered, "when you first woke up, you called me by my real name." He chuckled.

Elle smirked at him, "Well I guess we're even."

Doc gave her a puzzled look.

"You called me Elle when you were sick, back in Tombstone. I called you John." Doc smiled as Elle spoke, "I guess we're even."

Doc smiled down at her, their faces close now. Elle's eyes flickered to his lips, longing for the touch of them on her lips. Here eyes started to flutter closed, as Doc leaned in closer. With no hesitation, Doc leaned in and kissed Elle.

Elle sunk into his lips and felt every worry melt away from her. Doc took the hand that held Elle's, and placed it on her other cheek. His warm hands filled Elle's with heat as her cheeks blushed and warmed in result.

Their lips moved in sync, like they were both designed to be interlocked with each other. Like a key and a lock, both made for each other. Elle thought it'd be cliche to say fireworks went off, but they really did. She hadn't kissed many men. The only experience she had was with that cowboy a few days ago, and with Henry.

This was nothing like Henry's kiss.

This kiss meant much more.

Doc pulled away and leaned his forehead on Ellanora's. They both closed their eyes, just enjoying each other's company. Being in the moment was all they needed.

"You don't know how long I waited to do that." Doc whispered.

Elle opened her eyes, looked at Doc. His eyes opened and locked with Elle's. Elle laughed and leaned towards him more.

"How long?" She asked, musing him.

"From the moment you walked with me, after that show." He looked deep into her eyes, "You looked like an angel. You were beautiful from the moment I saw you outside that bar, but you were a goddess that night. A pure marksmanship of gods finest work." He started to stroke her cheek, looking into them like he was watching the clouds roll by. "I don't believe in God, nor do I believe people are perfect. But the moment I saw you," he huffed a laugh, "I believed god made you, every little scar, mental or not, it still made it you. And all those things, they are perfect to me. God made you perfect, and I believe that with all my heart."

The woman turned to him and opened her mouth to speak. But nothing came out. She felt herself lock up and lost all train of thought. The only thing she could do was lean in and kiss him again. She had no words.

Doc kissed her back and pulled away again. Leaning their foreheads together, they were happy. Both feeling better then they've ever felt.

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