Untitled Part 6

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"Can I pour you more coffee pet?" Vince asked sweetly as they sat across from each other at the diningtable. The same lazy, uninterested smile had been stuck on his lipsfrom the moment she'd collapsed into his arms last night. It wasstrange, being back in this room, in this house with him. Fred hadbeen gone a little over a month but it felt like a lifetime hadpassed.

The part of her brain keeping her sane, keeping her nerves under control was busy reevaluating the décor, the changes she wanted to make. A mindless task, a distraction, one thing she had the illusion of control over. After the simple functionality of the place that had become her home, this place seemed ostentatious at the least.

She'd decorated this room with oldworld style, it was Victorian in feel and look from the massivechandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling to the ornate chinahutches at the back wall. Elaborate floral patterned chairs, andtable linens made even the vast space seem cluttered. Fred had lovedit initially, reminded her of the early 1900's British upper classstyle, now it seemed silly.

Vince had been... kind, unrelentinglyso all last night and so far this morning. He'd doted on her, toldher how much he'd missed her, placated her with gifts and everysecond he did so her anxiety had only increased.

"No thank you sweetheart, I've hadplenty." Fred forced a demure smile to her face. She hadn'tslept. Vince had let her retire to their bedroom but had thankfullynot joined her there. Fred had been terrified to sleep, too nervousthat he might come in at any moment and she hadn't wanted to beunprepared for it.

She watched his every move, everyexpression with new dedication. Fred had to be hyper aware of hismoods before for her own safety, but now it was imperative to gleananything else that might help her break the grip that monster heldover the man being held hostage inside.

Fred tried to force herself to relaxeven slightly, being so on edge was bound to be more of a hindrancethan a help. Her pack was safe, she would be fine regardless, asolution would present itself... hopefully, before things got toobad.

Tamsin snarled and ran across theestate towards the preservation boundary, letting the wolf instinctstake over, it was an appreciated reprieve. She hated it initially,especially as she had no control over it, but after so many yearsshe'd learned to enjoy the heightened senses and succumbing toinstinct. Tamsin let herself sink into the feeling of the cool grassbeneath her paws, all the scents the night air carried through hersnout, the sound of the crickets. It was a simpler form, a way to letherself heal when she'd over spent her power, but that she had nocontrol over it was maddening. At least she wasn't one of them,had none of the impulses or desires they struggled with that grantedthem the control over their shifts.

Tamsin hadn't been human incenturies, and watching Mr. Adam's pet turn into a person had beenquite the nasty shock for some of the house staff. A couple of maidshad started screaming bloody murder as Tamsin had sat in stunnedsilence on the entry way floor just staring at her human hands. Shehadn't even been able to walk initially she was so out of practice.

Another sound pierced the night asTamsin ran. Vincent and Winifred had locked themselves in theirbedroom hours ago and Winifred's screams had started to grate onTamsin's nerves as the hours of the night crawled by. Kinky bitch. She had reeked of that other wolf's scent and barely forty eighthours after being back here Winifred had hopped enthusiastically backinto Vincent's bed. Tamsin wasn't really sure why it bothered her somuch, it shouldn't, she knew that monogamy wasn't possible after theamount of time they'd been together.

Tamsin just needed to get out of earshot, spend the rest of the night hunting, maybe in the morningshe'd return and toy with Winifred herself a little. It had beenages since she'd been around another so like herself, and being a woman they may have a few things to discuss that would be to their mutual benefit.

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