Untitled Part 10

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Chapter 13

"We have to remove my binding spellcompletely at the very least." Tamsin had willingly and eagerlyfollowed him into his room to see what all he'd managed to accomplishmagically, despite having no real reason too. Rafael was a mess,David and Carter were still locked in their room, and Paul lookedlike he wanted to... Rupert wasn't really sure but it wasn't goodwhatever it was. He should be with them, helping them come up with aplan, anything to help Fred who was suffering god only knew what atVince's hands at the moment, but he couldn't take his eyes offTamsin.

Tamsin was exasperated, tired, shekept rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, trying to keepherself alert and focused. "This isn't going to be easy at anyrate." She smiled at him as she sat herself on the end of his bed. She was beautiful, sexy, and every inch of him was desperate totouch her. Rupert had shown her all of the delightful desires he'dhad for her and she'd just smiled. No revulsion, no refusal, but shehadn't agreed with him either, hadn't really paid attention tothem. He had called Fred's power monstrous, and Tamsin slid her ownpowerful tendrils over his body. It felt like her hands, warm andsoft sliding over him, gripping his thighs and throat provocatively.

Tamsin crossed her legs and leanedback on his bed, her arms stretched behind her supporting her weight. She stretched her neck and back, her eyes closed, the movementalmost spilling her breasts out of her corset as she rolled hershoulders. Rupert turned his focus to the books on his desk to avoidtemptation.

"I have a few ideas for..." Rupertdidn't finish the sentence. Tamsin's lips were on his and she pushedhim against the wall, stretching his hands up above his head as shepressed herself against his body. He hadn't even noticed she'd movedfrom the bed, hadn't felt her turn him towards her. Tamsin pulledhis bottom lip through her teeth. "Am I out of line?" She purredpinning his wrists together with one hand. Rupert shook his head.

Tamsin smirked, her free hand caressedhis face and wrapped around his jaw. "You will keep your eyes onmine until instructed otherwise. Understood?"

"Yes." Rupert gasped, maybe shehad been paying attention.

Tamsin's head cocked to the side. "Yes...?" She waited patiently.

"Yes... ma'am?" Rupert tried.

Tamsin scrunched her nose. "I don'tlike that one. Try again."

"Yes... mistress?" Tamsingrinned. She ducked her head to his neck and her tongue ran alongthe underside of his jaw as her hand slid to his chest and down tohis jeans. He could hear the smirk on her face when she said, "Goodboy", as she unbuttoned his pants. "Now, let's see how we cankeep all that preternatural wolf strength of yours in check." Awicked smile on her lips. "I think you've broken enough of mybones for one day don't you?" Tamsin moaned.

Fred stepped onto her balcony, thestone was cold on her bare feet and her skin prickled through hersilk pajamas. It was dark but the sky was clear, the stars shonebrightly and the moon lit up the yard like a flood light. Rupert andTamsin's invasion into her mind had been unnerving to say the leastbut it had also given her more answers and a potential ally.

Fred hoped Rupert wouldn't say muchabout what he'd seen to Rafael, but having confirmation that both heand Rafael were safe had lifted a weight off her chest. She believedTamsin when she'd told Fred that all of them were safe but it hadbeen nice to have confirmation of the fact.

Tamsin had been adamant that Vincentwas dead, that the thing driving around his skin would haveeliminated him the second it was able to avoid the competition butFred didn't believe that. She was sure Tamsin believed it, knew thatshe probably knew more about that monster than anyone, but Fred knewVincent was still in there, no matter what Tamsin said. Everyonetold her she was crazy when she said she knew Rafe was still alive,three centuries later here he was, alive and well. Just like shesaid, and Vincent was too, no matter what anyone else thought. Tamsin confirmed everything Fred had only been able to guess at, andit gave her hope that she would be able to free him from whateverprison that thing had him locked away in.

If she could do it, if she could saveVincent... would she stay? Rafael was here too, a mere fifty milesaway, and he loved her. Could she ever trust him again aftereverything? Could she ever trust Vincent again? Fred loved themboth so much and so differently, and they had both hurt her so muchand so differently. She didn't want to choose between them, couldn'tsee a future with either of them after everything they'd done.

Fred leaned against the wall andbreathed deep the cool night air. Her heart hurt, and her mindwandered, was this some horrendous cycle she was doomed to keeprepeating throughout her existence? Loving men who were destined tocause her nothing but pain in the end? What do I do? How do Ifix this? First step. Save Vincent. How?

Fred's resolve finallycracked asking the question. She slid down the wall and buried herface in her knees and sobbed. It had been centuries since she'dreally cried, but finally, every wound, emotional or physical thathad taken a toll came pouring out of her.

"How long has she been like that?"Rafael asked in barely more than a whisper, his eyes not moving fromthe screen of Paul's tablet.

"An hour or so..." John's voicecrackled over the radio. "I saw her there when I was doing rounds,thought you'd want to know."

John didn't move, he kept his body camtrained on Fred sitting on the floor of her balcony sobbing, andneither did Rafael, Paul, Rupert or David.

Fred didn't know how long she satthere, a couple hours maybe, but she purged everything, let herselffeel everything and when it was all out Fred was finally able to takea deep breath. She whipped the last of her tears on the sleeve ofher shirt and stood up. Fred could feel those tendrils pulsinganxiously at the back of her mind. Well? They slitheredforward tentatively, as if they weren't sure she was serious. Fredheld out her hands, what are you waiting for? Finally!

Those icy tendrilswrapped around her in an instant, that ice cold sensation slitheringdown her throat encasing her chest, Fred closed her eyes but shebreathed deep despite the pain. Her whole body warmed as she did,and she felt as though they wrapped her in an impenetrable blanket. It was odd, Fred felt... cozy, safe, protected. Her hands tingled,pulsed but it was pleasant, and far from the hallow feeling thatusually accompanied it.

Fred look out at the grounds of theestate with almost new eyes, she spotted John instantly. He'swatching us for them. Fredsmiled, it was her voice, her knowledge now as much as anything. Icould get use to this. Fred looked straight into the lensof John's body cam. "My turn." A smirk tugged at her lips as shespoke. She winked at John and walked back inside.

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