Untitled Part 4

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Chapter 8

1706 Yorkshire-Rafael

Rafael straightened his black tunic and smoothed out the polished leather boots. It always took a second, just to get himself prepared to play this part, he was good at it when he had his head in the game. He took a breath and strode into the castle, standing straighter than felt natural, he plastered that bored expression to his face.

A few servantsrecognized him, some snickered, and others just rolled their eyes ashe made his way towards the great hall. Fred was standing againstthe back wall, as whoever from wherever spoke at her. To the casualobserver she looked quietly interested, Rafael could tell she wasabout to drop dead from boredom. Her ridged posture and vacantexpression should have been indication enough to the man who wasspeaking to her, despite her clearly forced smile.

Rafael stalked rightover to them. "There you are my lady." He addressed Fred,ignoring the male standing next to her completely. Fred let herbreath catch, noticeably, and extended her hand to him. Rafael tookher hand and bowed slightly. "I was wondering if you would be sokind as to give me a tour of your lovely gardens. I must confess, Icouldn't help but notice their beauty when I first arrived and Iwould love to get better acquainted with them." He smirked.

Fred blushed and hewondered if it wasn't entirely just for show. "You're too kind. I'm sure, however, a man of your stature has more important things toattend to than spending the afternoon escorting a lady through thegardens." Fred kept her gaze towards the floor, casting theoccasional, but obvious flirty glance to his eyes.

Rafael could see theother man's mind working furiously trying to figure out who Rafaelwas, who he could possibly be, a man of such substantial rank hedidn't even see the need to introduce himself. Irritated the LadyWinifred was clearly much more interested in Rafael than she had beenin him.

Rafael straightenedup and offered her his arm. "Few things in this world are moreimportant than the desires of a woman, especially one as lovely asyourself. I am at your service." Fred wrapped her arm through hisand they walked out of the great hall, leaving the other man standingthere dumbfounded.

"Thank you Rafe."Fred smiled as they walked through the court yard. "Honestly,hunting is a boring enough topic to listen to when someone issuccessful, and he kept prattling on about his monumental failures."

"Happy to help. Idon't see why your father still bothers, I'm not sure there isanyone left of enough significance for him to pawn you off on. Ithink you've chased them all away." He smirked. "I alwayswondered, doesn't he worry that if he really forces the issue andyou do agree to marry someone, that some tragic hunting accident, abrutal run in with a wild animal might befall the poor man before youmake it down the aisle?"

Fred laughed. "Youknow, I don't know if he ever considered that. I certainly hadn't. I might have to make that implication to him tonight at dinner."

"Would you do it?"

"No, even if Iwanted to. But I doubt father knows me well enough to be certaineither way."

They walked to asecluded part of the garden keeping up the pretense, and sat on oneof the benches. "You know I'd go anywhere with you, the momentyou asked."

"What? And leaveall this?" Rafael joked.

"I mean it."

"I know. Ijust...can't. Not yet."

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