Untitled Part 11

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Chapter 14

"Good morning darling." Fredpurred to Vince as she strode into the dining room the next morning.She let her hair curl, poured herself into a pair of tight jeans butpaired them with some Manolo Blahnik heels and a Channel blouse,adhering to his rules and not at the same time.

"Good morning." His focussharpened. "You're in high spirits this morning." It wasn'ta complement.

"Any reason I shouldn't be?"

Tamsin strolled into the dining roomas well, stretching her arms above her head and losing a large yawn. "Hello all." She poured herself a large glass of champagne andorange juice, despite Vince's disapproving glare.

Tamsin sat next to Fred and tapped hernails against her champagne glass watching Fred pour herself a largemug of coffee. Fred breathed deep and kept her expression blank asshe buttered a piece of toast. His smell still lingered on Tamsin'sskin. Rupert? Fred asked as unsurreptitiously as possible.

It's rude to just pop in like this,an almost unforgivable violation, but since you're new... Tamsinsmiled as she leaned back in her chair and ran her tongue over hertop lip before taking a large drink of her mimosa. The puppy hasstamina.

Vince leveled a glare at Fred. "Sowhat now?" Fred snapped at Tamsin. After three centuries of keepingyour existence a secret from me am I expected to just welcome youinto my home with open arms."

"My visits in the past were to seemy brother, not his lap dog." Tamsin leaned back in her chair sofar the front legs came off the floor, and she rested her feet on thetable. "I've grown bored of slinking around however, and since Iintend on staying a while..."

"Get bored easily do you?" Fredscoffed. Tamsin may be an ally, and this bitter exchange may all befor appearance sake but Fred still didn't like the idea of Tamsinusing Rupert. "Good, I'll rest easy knowing I won't have toput up with you for very long."

We have a plan. Tamsin'svoice echoed in Fred's mind.

"Play nice girls." Vince crooned. Fred's curtness with Tamsin lowering his hackles some.

"Once I find something thatentertains me... it can be ages before I tire of it. Sometimes Inever do." Tamsin smirked. "You might have to put up with melonger than you think."

Fred snarled and her butter knife bentin her grip. "Call of your dog Vincent." Tamsin rolled hereyes.

"You're one to talk!" Whatsort of plan? Fred answered.

"Easy pet." Vince said, a smallbite to his tone, his telltale sign that he was losing his patience.

Tamsin seemed to take a beat too. Fuck. Rupert and I had a plan until... You let it in didn't you? That's why you're talking to me this way isn't it?

You told me to!

Not thinking for one second youactually fucking do it! Christ. He'll notice. Tamsin keptsipping at her mimosa.

He hasn't yet. Fred picked atthe fruit on her plate.

I suppose it doesn't change whathas to happen, just when. Bite him! It had occurred to her whileoccupied with Rupert that the fastest and most efficient way to putan end to that creature's meddling would be to kill it. A welltimed snarl from Rupert had landed her on the idea that the easiestway to accomplish that would be for Winifred to bite him. Problemsolved.


Jump across this table right nowand sink your teeth into that things flesh! Tamsin snarled at herwhile picking at a scone.

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