Untitled Part 5

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Fred rose from the couch and paced theliving room. She couldn't believe it, why had no one mentioned thisto her? People's eyes don't just change color, did none of themfind it odd enough to say anything? Vince's eyes, changed color...

"When? Give me an example." Fredpleaded at Paul, as Carter finally emerged from the garage.

"That morning Vince showed up here,when we were arguing after he left. They looked black for a second. It didn't last long." Paul said.

"And again when Vince tried to takeyou, you were way scary then boo." Rupert added.

Fred dropped to her knees,hands clasped to her mouth, the realization struck her like a bolt oflightning. They were the same, Vincent was the same as her, hehadn't turned into a monster, the monster took control.

"I have to go back." She breathed.

"What did you say?" David asked. Fred lowered her hands and stood.

"I have to go home." If that thinghad taken over Vincent, he was still in there somewhere, she couldget him back, she could save him from that things grasp.

Whatever this voice was, she was morethan just a werewolf, it was power just like Vincent had always had. Fred's mind raced. Why hadn't Vincent ever told her? Why didn'the teach her what it was, how to control it? If she'd known maybeshe could have stopped it, helped him sooner. How on earth was shegoing to help him now? She should never have left, paid closerattention, she knew he was different, knew he'd changed. Why hadn'tshe realized? Fred had to go back, every second she was there was asecond to try and break that thing's grip on Vincent.

Barely breathing she headed for thedoor but stopped... But she was useless around him, weak, vulnerable. What could Vince manage to do to her before she could accomplishanything?

"Fred, what's going on? What areyou doing?" Rafael asked as she took another hesitant step towardsthe front door.

The pack wouldn't let her go easily,they'd want to help, and as much as she adored each of them... thiswas out of their league. Fred felt horrible even thinking it but sheneeded to this on her own, and their brute force tactics weren'tgoing to be able to help much. She needed them to let her go, andnot follow her when she did.

It didn't matter what her reasonswere, Rafael would follow her anyway, he didn't remember enough,didn't trust her enough, like he used to. Fred knew she'd have tohurt him, hurt him just as badly as he had her all those years ago,make him hate her enough to let her go...

"I'm going home." Fred saidsternly choking down the bile that had risen in the throat andclosing the distance between her and the door. Finally she had herback to them, unsure she'd be able to say the things she'd need to ifshe had to look them in the eyes.

"What?!" They all asked in unisonwith the exception of Carter.

"Fred you can't!" Rupertexclaimed.

"I can and I am. I should neverhave left in the first place, I don't belong here."

"But we're family." Rupert's voicehad gotten very quiet and small. Fred took as steadying a breath asshe dared and turned to face Rupert.

"Vincent is my family, and myhusband." Fred stated. Rupert cocked his head, an odd expressionon his face.

"I don't understand, what justhappened? Why do you suddenly want to go back so badly? Where is thiscoming from?" Paul asked.

"I've wanted to go back for days!You keep forcing me to stay." Fred snapped. "I would have leftthat morning he first showed up here if you hadn't stopped me. You're no better than he is, dictating what I can and cannot do!" Paul looked wounded at the comparison, Fred hoped that he wouldforgive her once he understood why she'd said it.

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