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What is centering?-

Centering is the act of gathering all of the scattered energy in your space and bringing it back to a unified state. Essentially, it's the magickal equivalent of putting your ducks in line.

Before you center, all the energy around you is at different frequencies. That makes it difficult to tap into them and use them in spells because you would always have to break your focus to change your own frequency. By centering, you synchronize all the energy around you and your own energy. That way, you have a massive bubble of usable energy around you.

That said, centering brings energy towards you, while grounding releases it.

My preferred method of centering is a modified version that my dearest Lisye taught me. You should ground before centering.

After you just grounded, you should still feel the energy cord or root connecting you to the earth. Shift your focus from that to your spine, all the way up to the top of your head. I like visualizing a golden flower growing from the top of my head, but you can visualize any vessel that connects to your spine.

Imagine all the good energy around you forming a spiral, meeting the vessel atop your head. Feel it filtering out so only the energy you want comes in (such as protective, courage, positivity, love, anything really) Feel your vessel growing and becoming stronger (that's why I choose a flower, you can visualize it blossoming), the energy you are attracting entering your body, spreading through your nervous system.

You can change this to better fit your own personal practice. You may want to call upon a deity or spirit guide for this. It really is truly up to you.

If you feel like it's all too much, release that extra energy by grounding and releasing any deities and spirits that you called.

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