Reality Shifting 101

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ꮖ)What is Reality Shifting?

Put in simple terms, reality shifting is the act of subconsciously shifting your person to the reality you desire. One switches to the reality that they envision, which can be completely different than their current life, or very similar to it.

When you shift, your subconscious leaves this reality and enters the one you desire. This does not necessarily mean that you're dying in this reality, that would be another type of shifting called respawn (which is briefly touched upon in section ꮖꮩ). This being said, the people in this reality will still be able to interact with the version of yourself that stays in this reality after your shift, whereas your conscious and new body (if envisioned) is in your desired reality.

In fact, it is believed that your conscious mind switches between similar realities every time you receive results of some kind. This is why it is said that when you shift to your desired reality, you still have all of your current memories (unless you choose to forget them).

ꮖꮖ.) When should I shift?

Deciding when to shift to your desired reality can be hard, and will differ from person to person, but here are some aspects to take into consideration.

1. Are you happy with your current situation?

2. Are you ready to shift?

This can be difficult to determine, but definitely not impossible. A few ways to determine whether or not you're ready to shift are: a- are you ready to leave behind the aspects of your life that you aren't bringing with you? b- have you been visualizing/are you sure your reality is the way you want it to be?

3. Are you having second thoughts/regrets?

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you're having second thoughts or are regretting the choices you have made, take some time to alleviate these negative thoughts as they can either harm results, slow them down, or keep you from receiving any at all.

ꮖꮖꮖ.) Are there risks/dangers?

Many people have the question "is shifting dangerous?" when they first find out about it. This is normal to think at first if you don't know much about the topic. My answer: no. Shifting itself through visualization is not dangerous, as you are just moving your subconscious from one reality to another. Respawn, on the other hand, maybe considered a different story.

Respawn is a type of shifting that includes your body dying in one reality and your subconscious mind moving to your dr. Many people consider this triggering or dangerous, which is a controversial and opinion based topic. I will not discuss much of this as I don't want to deter or persuade anyone on the subject.

ꮖꮩ.) How to know if you have shifted/are close to shifting

Now that we have made it to the last section, I am finally going to discuss how to know if you are close to shifting. There is no one way to know this, but many people have experienced near-shifting things. Here are a few signs you are close to shifting:

1. You have made it to a waiting room.

Waiting rooms are probably the most common of the near-shifting signs and differ from person to person. Waiting rooms can be empty, completely like you envisioned it, or the same as a room in your current reality. While visualizing, if you have a room envisioned, it will be obvious when you are close to shifting.

2. You start to feel an "out of this world" sensation.

This sensation of feeling "out of this world" is usually considered a sign that you will shift soon. How do I describe the feeling? Well, for starters, it's not one feeling, but a bunch. Some can feel surprisingly happy or peaceful, but others can feel confused or out of their mind. Unusual feelings like these, as well as other signs listed, mean that you are close to shifting.

3. You start dreaming of your desired reality more. Like, a lot more.

Now that you know you are close to shifting, how do you know once you actually have shifted? Now, this is usually for people whose desired realities are very similar to their current ones, with little changes. Here are some signs that you have shifted:

1. There are extremely noticeable changes overnight.

This is probably the most obvious of the signs. For example, if you noticed that your environment has changed drastically overnight, and that is what is in your dr, chances are you have shifted.

2. Other people have a sudden change in thought about you.

If other people are suddenly acting differently towards you, and this is what you intended for your desired reality, chances are you have shifted because usually, people do not willingly change overnight without influence. This is another basic sign, but it is true.

3. You have experienced the waiting room before.

This is yet another obvious sign, but if you have been in the waiting room one or more times before, you have likely shifted if you have all of the criteria shown above.

Anyway, thank you for reading this, and good luck in shifting!

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