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Scripting is one of the main ways to Shift Realities. It's what I like to refer to as the base layer in shifting. You see, scripting is pretty much exactly as it sounds. It's a document with ALL the information on your Desired Reality. Almost like a self insert fanfiction if you will. A script makes it so that while you are attempting to shift, you have access to all the information that you might need. Scripting also makes it so that you can control your consciousness better. 

Scripts, in my knowledge, hold approximately 8 different parts. 

YOU: basically, all the information on you. Your appearance, age, accent, background, everything. In my scripts, this part usually is around 3 to 4 pages long. This has to be as detailed and specific as possible. Add photos, nicknames everything. THe more detailed this is, the easier it'll be for you to visualize yourself while shifting, so this is essential to most shifting methods

RELATIONSHIPS: exactly what is sounds. Who are your parents? DO you have siblings? Who are your friends? Do people like you? Do people find you attractive? If you are shifting to a school (e.i. Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, UA high school, etc.), do the teachers like you? What are your relationships with specific people?  

On another note, I highly discourage any sort of scripting of romantic relationships. Remember, those are people, real, living people in your desired reality. It's ok to script that you are close friends but to manipulate their feelings towards you is unethical, and I personally don't condone it in any way, shape, or form. I, personally, find it acceptable to script that someone finds you attractive, but that is it. Anything that crosses that line is not okay. Also, don't script that everyone loves or has a crush on you. Do you really want to be hounded by people? 

MODIFICATIONS:  if you are shifting to an already made reality, from a fictional work of any sort, and there are specific things you want to modify. For example, if you are shifting to Hogwarts, you can script in this part that Voldermort is dead, that there is no Death Eaters, or that someone is alive. This part is very important, as it sets some ground rules for your desired reality.

Also, don't forget to script what time period you are on! I normally script that the time period is in 2019 since I would be familiar with the things around me.

REALITY: what reality are you shifting to?

SPECIFICS ON THE REALITY: Again, following the example of Hogwarts, script EVERYTHING. Your house, your wand, if you are a prefect, what year you are on, your wand, how your dorm is, if you share a dorm with someone, and who, your Patronus, if you are an animagus, your pets. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

WHEN YOU SHIFT: THIS! IS! ESSENTIAL! this is the most important part of your script. What will you feel when you shift? What will you smell?  Will someone touch you? How?  Where are you going to wake up?  With whom? 

RULES: the single most important part. Write everything down. A few examples of rules to script, you can't die, you can't get seriously hurt. If you are someone that suffers from a uterus, script that you don't get periods, nor get pregnant (unless you want to). Write that you always smell good. The world is literally your oyster, go crazy.

EXTRAS: this involves essentials, such as your lifa object, time proportions, and your safeword.

A lifa object is an object that allows you to access and modify your script while still inside your desired reality. It can be an app on your phone, a necklace, a notebook, anything. In the case of an app, you just open it and modify it as you wish. With a notebook or pen, you write down the modifications. With a necklace or piece of jewelry, you can simply hold your object and say what you want. Your lifa object can be anything you want it to be.

Your safeword is what you will say to get back to this reality. Make it so it's not something you would say, as you don't want to come back early. Make it so it's so weird that you have zero chance to say it. Mine is, "Tatter Tots hot pots going none stop.". Yours can be the first 2 minutes of the bee movie, I don't care. Maybe it's a vine reference or a cursed dance from TikTok. The weirder the better.

TIME! PROPORTIONS! essential, magnificent, the best thing ever. When you first start, I recommend 10 minutes in your current reality = 1 day in your desired reality.

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