Types of Witches

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This is not an all-inclusive list, but it does include the most common types of witches. As a baby witch, these paths can be a great place to start your research as you learn more about the specific practices associated with each type of craft. However, it is important to keep in mind that you do not need to choose what type of witch you will be right now. This will come naturally in time as you continue researching your interests and trying out different activities. Plus, you always have the option to pull your favorite aspects of various paths into a uniquely personalized craft, otherwise known as an eclectic witch.

- Alexandrian Witch

This British derivative of Wicca and witchcraft, founded in the 1960s by Alex and Maxine Sanders, is quite similar to its sister Gardnerian Wicca, but also incorporates ceremonial magic as well as the Qabalah. Alexandrian Wicca is seen as "more eclectic" and is less structured than Gardnerian Wicca. They follow the belief of "if it works, use it." Witches still must be initiated in order to practice, and there are degrees and levels of advancement that can be achieved as a witch moves along in their practice.

- Ceremonial Witch

The practice of this form of magic is often called "High Magic," and it is highly ritualistic, drawing its ritual from writings dating far back in history. Ceremonial witches have many practices, but ceremonies and rituals are practices that they hold in especially high regard. They likely work a ritual or ceremony into whatever they're casting or trying to accomplish, as Ceremonial magick is worked into most of the elements of their practice. Ceremonial witches often call on specific beings and spiritual entities to assist them with whatever they're casting.

- Cosmic Witch

Cosmic witches use the stars, cosmos astrology, and astronomy to work their craft and look to celestial energy to bring power and purpose to their work. Also called "Star Witches," these witches often follow the planets and the alignment of the stars and base their spells and rituals on the different placements. Cosmic witches tend to revere the moon and follow her cycles. The Cosmic witch differs in that, they devote their time and intention to understanding the cosmos and working with the planets, stars, celestial events, and even celestial deities regularly.

- Dianic Witch

This movement of Witchcraft was founded by Zsuzsanna Budapest. Dianic witches worship the Goddess Diana through three aspects of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Typical Dianic witches have heavily feminist values and infuse their craft with these values as well. Followers of the Cult of Diana are all women, so no men are allowed. Dianic Witches practice many of the same rituals and rites as traditional Wicca but is not expressly considered a Wiccan tradition

- Eclectic Witch

An Eclectic witch is someone who pulls from various witchcraft traditions for their spellwork and rituals. This is an individual approach that picks and chooses from many different traditions and creates a personalized form of witchcraft that meets their individual needs and abilities, and may change and evolve. They do not follow a particular religion or tradition, but study and learn from many different systems and use what works best for them. No two eclectic witches are the same.

- Elemental Witch

Elemental witches study and practice based on the four elements: earth, air, wind, and fire. An elemental magick is work based on and honoring each element. An elemental witch may have an altar for each specific element. Elemental witches call on the elements when casting spells and performing rituals, and may even have an element that they identify with and work towards finding.

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