Don't get me wrong, or badly spoken, but the delicate, angelic, extremely hot girl with few friends? Who wouldn't like a girl like that? To start, my name is Sasuke Uchiha, also known to my friends, Haruno cattle, a pink-haired Virgin among others ... have you ever called me a fag, can you believe it? Well, despite everything around me having everything to do with her. I, Uchiha Sasuke, could in no way be in love with the hot 2 year old girl, who, incredibly, was not a shrew, was sweet, friendly, delicate, cute and polite to everyone.
Even in the rejections of some boys she was like that, and usually they left smiling even more delighted by her education and her beauty. Sakura Haruno, was her name, she was silent, beautiful, hot and sculpted by the gods, a pity that until today, I only saw her talking to some guys who wanted her number or needed to open her feelings for Haruno. She had 3 other friends;
Karin, Sasori and Sai. Let's start with Karin Uzumaki, Sakura's best friend, a redhead, very beautiful, but sonic, great with words, terrible to speak in front of the teacher and her classmates, remembered everything, a pity that her laziness attacked her sometimes , she was really an ogress compared to Sakura, and besides that, she was a natural catcher.
Sai Haruno, Sakura's brother, he was gay, I have nothing against gays, lesbians, or whatever their sexuality, but Sai really bothered me, I was kind of fed up with his presence, he was skinny and dark, his skin was too light, Sakura also had light skin, but his was even defined as paper.
Sasori Akasuna, he is Sakura's best friend, he is on the basketball team, he has muscles, he is not a pumped guy, but good ... he was very tall, I would say the same height as mine, 1.90. He was also part of my class, he came from Suna last year, spilled juice on the white dress that Sakura was wearing, I remember the entire cafeteria in silence.
The parking lot blonde, Sakura and her brother would probably always go home with a tall blonde with four pigtails in her hair, she didn't have many similarities to Sakura's, let alone Sai's, so I imagine she's a friend ...
I never exchanged a word with her, even though I was a virgin in love with her since I was 6 years old, at the beginning, she was more shy, but I think after 6 ° she changed, moved ...
I may be a fucking virgin in love with this girl, but who cares? I mostly don't care.
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