Late nights and music

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I think the worst thing is when it's late at night and you're alone. You're alone and sad but you aren't sure as to why you're sad. You're sad and the music can't be loud enough. Your mind runs and runs and it's torture because there's nothing you can do to stop it.
It starts with more recent events. Sometimes a single event. Then, your mind just builds off it. It goes and goes and it doesn't stop.
The next think you know is there's tears in your eyes. The reason tears are there could be a few of them. Just from the pain of over thinking, one painful memory that won't leave your head, a song that's playing, or it could just be because you feel alone.
When you feel alone it's painful. I'm talking the type of alone that occurs when you're all by yourself and everyone else is sleeping. You feel like nobody cares. Nobody is with you. You feel like you don't matter.
It's the type of alone that hurts. It physically hurts. It's the type of pain that grips onto your heart and it squeezes.
It doesn't intend to cause pain. It's like when you get hurt. When ball up your hands and you clench them.
It's like your soul is trying to steady itself so it grabs the first thing it can. It just happens to be your heart. Your soul still feels like it's falling, spiraling out of control, so it tightens its grip. It's trying to plant itself so it can be shaken out.
Once the feeling passes the waters calm And everything feels better. You're left wondering if it's over or if it's going to happen until you fall asleep

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