December 7: Stan

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Next morning I woke up, feeling quite good actually. Until I notice I laid on top of William. I stared at him slowly, and really quiet I took hand away from his chest and rolled off his arm. I got up, and suddenly he woke up right after. I walked a bit away from him as he saw me.

(Good morning) he said and looked a bit around himself before he got up. (Slept well?) he asked me.

(Yeah, sort of) I said.

(Well, I go and look for some wood) he said, and started to take away the burned wood.

(No, it's okay. I can do it) I told him, and let the blanket down on the ground.

(Okay) he said and continued what he was doing.

I turned around and started walking through the woods. It was clearly cold outside, because I could feel it and the branches had frozen. I tried to push it, but it wouldn't move. How strange really? I continued to walk, but slowed down as I notice someone walking down in the woods. It seemed like a lady. She was wearing all black, and grey hair. What could she do out here in this cold? Suddenly she dropped down to the floor and I ran over to her. See if she needed help...

(Hey, are you okay?) I asked her as I got down to help her up.

(I'm not so sure. Have I broken my leg?) she asked me. 

I laughed a bit, she overreacted a bit. (No, you haven't. Trust me) I said, and helped her get up from the ground. (Here, let me help you) I said and took away the snow on her cape.

(Thank you, sweetheart) she said and gave me a smile. (What's your name, sweetie?) she said after she had taking long time to answer.

(Alice. Alice Garner) I said.

(Alice) she repeated and suddenly she seemed strange, like she was enjoying the nature by taking some breathes in and out.

(And, what's yours?) I asked her, and she blunked some time and looked down at me.

(Mary. Mary Derby) she said.

(Alice?!) I suddenly heard William call for me. I turned around to see if he as close, but he wasn't. I had to go and get him, so he could help me with the old lady back to our fireplace.

(Oh, that's a friend of mine. Just wait here a second) I told and ran back to our camp. (William? William?) I shouted.

(Yeah) I heard a voice say as I jumped. I turned around and notice it was William. (Sorry, didn't you find any wood?) he said.

(Eh, no, but...) I started.

(No problem, I found some) he said and showed me with his hand. He past me and started walking back towards the camp.

(Hey, William?) I tried one more time.

(Yeah, what is it?) he asked me.

(Follow me, I need you to help me with something) I said and started running back towards that lady. As I was running I told William what it was. (It is a old lady in black. She fell, and I think she needs help. She's right...) I said, and as I turned the lady was gone, and I stopped walking. (here) I finished my sentence.

(Where is this old lady then?) William asked me showing up beside me.

(She stood right here, I swear. Here, just look at the footprints) I said, but as we were about to look. The footprints of the lady was gone. (What? How?) I started for myself.

(Alice, I don't think you got the rest as you thought. Come on, let's get back to the camp) he said, and started to drag in my arm.

(No, I swear. Mary! Mary!) I shouted out, and started running up the hill. (Mary?!) I said one more time as I stood on top of it, but there was no sight of the old lady. No clues, no footprints, no other sight of the same species of us. Just William and me. (But...?) I started, and got desperate right now. 

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