December 8: The Betrayer

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I was about to ask him before I went to sleep, but he stepped out of the house too. So, I was left alone. As I slept I woke up hearing someone coming inside the room. I slowly opened my eyes and notice it was William. He started taking off his jacket and laid it at the end of the bed. Was he doing what I think he was doing? No, stop it don't....I think...

He then shortly after took off his shirt and laid it on top of the jacket. He took off his shoes and laid down in the bed on the other side of the room. I still was looking at him as he laid down, and suddenly he notice me. I closed my eyes quickly and pushed my head closer to the bed. I hope he didn't see it, but I fell asleep again.

I woke up next morning then, feeling sort of...quite well...I think. I notice William was gone, so he had to be outside. I got up from the bed and started to walk out. Oh, my, god! That old lady again stood in front of me, looking at me.

(Be ready) she said.

(Ready for what?) I asked her.

[Dream over]

Suddenly I woke up, or more jumped up from the bed. Oh, my, god! It was just a dream.

(Alice, what's wrong?) I heard suddenly William say. He got up from the bed, and walked over to me.

(Oh, just nightmare) I told him, and laid quietly down in the bed again.

(Well, jump over) he said, and I looked strange up on him, but I did what he said and jumped inside. He laid down beside me, and started to look at me. (Here) he said and grabbed around me. (Sleep) he said, and then his hand on top of my head. I couldn't think that fast...suddenly I was asleep.

I woke up next morning with no one by my side. I turned and looked, but there was no one there. I got up from bed and walked outside. Hopefully this wasn't a dream again.

(William?) I said, and walked slowly towards him.

(Oh, hey) he said as he turned to look at me. I past him and sat down opposite towards him.

(Where's Stan?) I asked him, and looked around the place.

(He hasn't showed up since he left the house yesterday) he said, looking worried upon me.

(And you haven't been out looking for him?) I asked him, but I may have gone to far.

(Last night when you were asleep. I didn't find him. I guess he's hiding for me) he said.

(Stan told me about the story between you two. What really happened to your father? He's not dead, is he?) I asked him.

(Well, I didn't really get to that, he's not dead) he said, and filled a cup with water to me, and gave it to me.

(Thanks) I said and took a sip of it. (So, where's he now? Honestly?) I asked him.

(Well, honestly. I think he works for a evil "man" named Gavin. I don't know. I have just screwed things up for myself. Everyday in my life have been screwed by me and only me. I trusted my dad after that, but again...he betrayed me) he said and looked up at me. I leaned over and took his hand.

(Tell me, Will) I said, and he smiled a bit.

(Well...) he started.

[Flashback: A year ago]

<<William's P.O.V>>

(I'm sorry, Sir. Hampton, but your son is gone. He's never coming back) I heard 

Sir. Winterbottom say from downstairs. I leaned over the rails looking at them talking.

(I don't believe you, that's impossible) my dad said towards him.

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