Chapter seventeen

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Hi guys! Am sorry for I delayed to update bcz I was really busy updating another story. You can check on my profile.

"This might be my last update till December or April next year since we're going to school soon.😭😢😢"

*You know I like u more than I like school 🤔😂😂❤️.

School sucks but no way we can quit anyway. We hv to hustle through many ways school included.

Hope you enjoy this story 😘😛❤️

Kyne's POV

It was Monday morning that I was in looking for my books in my locker. Thanks God we hard lockers at our college. We didn't have to carry many things with us but lockers were mostly used by the students who lived at the campus .

I felt like not talking that day because I felt so betrayed with the person I trusted, the person I saw as a brother, but all were all were lies!

I couldn't imagine Evans was the person that had a gun on hoodie's head, I couldn't take in that he worked for my dad, it couldn't be him!

"Hi dude," Michael greeted.

"Hi," I said in a low voice.

"So calm today! What happened?" he asked.

"Have you seen Evans?" I asked because I couldn't believe he is the one. Maybe Beth mistook him with someone else! I wanted to ask him alot.

"No, actually we didn't talk this weekend," he said but he seemed to be having alot to talk so I said ok and past him.

"Kyne! We need to talk by break the library," Michael called behind me.

"Hi Kyne," I saw Lisa coming my way.

"I don't want to talk, am sorry," I said and kept on walking.

"Why don't you want to talk to me? I miss you! You even spent the whole weekend without a call," she complained.

"You would have visited if you needed me," I said, "don't make my day even more worse than it already is," I added and passed by her.

"Why are you mean? Are you shy to talk about the way you go kissing stupid hooded faces because you saw your girlfriend kissing another man?" She shouted behind me but I said nothing.

Now I saw news travel faster.  She already knows about the kiss! This college is really like highschool.

I had English in the morning so I went to my English class, I found Beth and Bella seated in the back seats. When Bella  saw me, she stood up and went to her usual seat as I also sat near Beth.

"How are you? You seem too stressed and... "

"Am fine," I said before she could finish her sentence.

"You sure you're fine?" she asked.

"And how do you want me to express it? I go with the sentence am fine written on my face?" I asked.

"Why are you mean today? I just wanted to know if you're fine that's it," she said with concern in her voice.

"You care?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Jeez I know I was too much but I was really angry, I couldn't trust anyone though my heart told me to trust her but my mind told me not too.

"How can you trust a person with hidden faces? Unknown to everyone?" My mind could complain.

"Do I sound like I do? I don't care," she said but I could here hurt in her voice. God I was even knowing how she felt by just talking.

"Oh! Class, I think your weekend was great because you have alot to talk," the lecturer entered saying as the whole class kept quiet.

"Ok, morning anyway," the teacher greeted.

"Morning," the students answered.

"Today's lesson gonna be cool," the lecturer said and the whole class laughed.

"We're to study about autobiographies...."

"What are autobiographies?" Stupid Rachael asked.

"You study music right?" the teacher asked her.

"Yes," she said.

"Okay, by Thursday bring for us a well written autobiography of your beloved musician. Anyway back to what I was saying. Biographies are true stories about a person or people and they are written by the owner of the story. And autobiographies are true stories about someone but this time they're written by someone else not the owner," the lecturer explained.

Stupid Rachael just made herself a homework. Her big mouth! The teacher would have explained anyway.

"Hi, is it Rachael? Yes Rachael, remember the work I gave you," he added, the class laughed and the lecturer continued taking his book from the table.

"Here I have a format that shows how one can write an autobiography," he said opening his book as if searching for the right page.

"Are you interested?" Beth asked with disgust in her voice. It's painful that I can't see her face expression too.

"Am not,"

"Neither do I,"

"Backbenchers! Stop interrupting my class," the man in front said passing some papers to everyone.

After classes I went to meet Michael. I found him with Bella. Fuck them! They were making out in the library.

"Guys this is a holy place," I laughed.

"And it's full of books with fucking scenes or art," Micheal said.

"Hm! Are you going to fuck her from here? In my face?!" I faked a disappointed face, Bella's face was red, I just smiled at her as she walked away.

"You still upset?" Michael asked.

"And I wouldn't be joking," I said.

"Okay, Max will be here soon," he said raising his hands in surrender, "and why didn't you come during break?"

"I had no time," I said as we moved out of the library since it was about to close anyway.

We walked to a cafe near the school where students usually bought some coffee. We sat and ordered for three cups. But that wasn't our reason to be there anyway.

"Why do you need Evans?" Michael asked.

"I think I know the reason," Max said shrugging.

"I would like to first ask," I paused as they both looked at me, "and let me think we gonna be sincere here," I continued.

"And what's that you want to ask?" Michael asked.

Hi guys,

This isn't my last update 😛😛😂😂am enjoying this. Let me give you some more chapters before I be back to school 😢

School is hell let me tell you 😪but am not encouraging the students to leave it😂plz hustle🙌

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