1| Training gone wrong

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If you had told Aizawa Shouta this morning that he would be dealing with Midoriya's depression in Hero training, he would've scoffed at you, told you that he was a sunshine problem child and walked off, because honestly, no one could've guessed that this would happen during training.

It all had started when Todoroki missed a generous amount when trying to control his new technique 'Fireball'. It shot in the completely wrong direction, heading towards Midoriya and Bakugou, who had been sparring together quirkless to improve their hand-to-hand combat skills. Before Aizawa could even as much as blink, Midoriya had activated his quirk and pushed himself and Bakugou out of the spot the two had been standing in saving both of them.

(Aizawa wondered how the problem child had even seen the Fireball because his back was towards it as he saved himself and Bakugou.)

He jogged up to them to check on them, in case the Fireball had still hit them in any area, when he saw that Bakugou started yelling at Midoriya.

"DEKUUU!!! Why the fuck did you safe me, you shitty nerd?!?!! I was completely fine on my own, but NO! You always have to play the fucking hero standing uselessly in everyone's way!! You always did and will, just like at the fucking slime villain incident!! You're always standing in my fucking way to become the number one hero, you fucking useless Deku!!"

It was quiet for a moment and Aizawa saw how the previous trembling Midoriya was standing so still he knew that something broke right then and there.

"You know Katsuki-"

And boy was Aizawa nervous even though he will never admit it because Midoriya never calls Bakugou anything different than 'Kaachan'.

"-you should count yourself lucky that I saved you that day. Otherwise, I really would've taken your advice."

The way Midoriya said it as he lifted his head and showed (by now already) every one his dull, hunted eyes, that he hadn't seen on anyone else other than Eri, told him that this 'advice' wasn't very nice. Aizawa dreaded for the storm that was about to come because Bakugou had finally done it, he had finally broken Midoriya.

(And oh how he hated to use that word)

And it wasn't right how Bakugou's face changed from confusion to realisation and finally mortified horror in bare seconds. It was wrong how Bakugou's face went as white as a sheet of paper and how his eyes largened oh so uncharacteristically that showed him that whatever that advice was, it still haunted both of them.

"I- Izu- Izuku", Bakugou barely stammered out, for the first time speechless.

Aizawa was even more concerned now because it was Izuku, not Deku.

"Did you know that only because my feet instinctively lead me to the villain that attacked me minutes before you I wasn't able to follow your advice? Because after every little thing that you put me through for 11 years straight after I was declared quirkless. After all the bullying, the mental and physical abuse from you and everyone one else - hell, even the teachers! After the quirk abuse from even you that I have scars from - Katsuki scars! After all that I was just so willing to follow your advice. The only reason why I didn't because I knew you were going to die and sprinted in to save you after you just told me to take a swan dive off the roof of a building in school that day so that I could get a quirk."

Aizawa sucked in a sharp breath at that speech, because it was wrong just how much Midoriya's behaviour was explained by this reveal and his relationship with Bakugou.

"Did you know Bakugou that the villain was just one street away from the building high enough for me to jump from and die?"

(Aizawa could see the sorrow on Bakugou's face after Midoriya called him 'Bakugou' instead of 'Katsuki' or 'Kaachan')

Nobody was stopping him from putting his Problem child in strong therapy with those silent tears streaming down Midoriya's face and his piercing look on Bakugou, who couldn't even move a muscle. Hell, not even he could after that reveal. Some of the class were crying because Midoriya's life was so horrible and he hid it behind that smile that very convincing mask that he probably built up over the fucking 11 years of bullying he had to live through without even the teachers batting an eye on it?

"Did you know that after all of that, I kept coming back to you, helping you deal with the fall of All Might and all that other bullshit, because I knew you wouldn't open up to anyone else except me despite everything that you put me through? I hope you fucking do now because I am finally done with your ungrateful ass bullshit! I bet you wonder now how the teachers didn't notice or stop you. Well, it was because you have the perfect quirk for heroics! Because of your fucking perfect quirk everyone, even the teachers here, think that you just have a temper and would never go as far as bullying!"

Midoriya turned on his heel and stared into Aizawa's eyes.

"Ever fucking thought of asking me why I had no control of my quirk when I came to UA? No? Well maybe if you fucking asked then you would've known that my quirk manifested the day of the stupid biased entrance exam!"

And oh how Aizawa hated himself for not prying more into Midoriya's weird behaviours and quirk as he noticed them because everything came now together and he felt so stupid and ignorant of his student. He felt so helpless staring in Midoriya's eyes full of darkness. Midoriya turned away.

"You asked me how I could go about breaking my bones every time I used my quirk before I mastered it, well if I'm honest it was a part of me wanted to die from the injuries. I have trust issues, Aizawa-sensei, especially with adults because of their ignorant nature and none of the UA staff helped that matter. Hell, I don't even trust my class because so many other classes turned their back on me once they knew they had my trust, so yeah sorry if I hadn't trusted anyone with my fucking depression, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia and many more problems."

With that Midoriya finally walked away, towards the locker rooms where he quickly changed into uniform and made his way towards his dorm to finally cry himself to sleep. The moment Midoriya was gone, nearly everyone broke down sobbing, some too shocked to do something instead of falling to their knees. Only Bakugou and Aizawa himself stood still, processing everything that they were told.


Later that day Aizawa reported what he had found out about Midoriya to Nezu and the rest of the teachers. Yagi looked down in shame.

"All Might?" Aizawa asked quietly.

"Oh lord, now I feel even worse than before. I - Young Midoriya asked me once I saved him from the Sludge Villain the first time if he could be a hero without a quirk. I - I told him that he couldn't and to be a police officer instead..." Yagi trailed off and the rest of the staff looked at him in shock. He quickly continued.

"Of course after I saw how he sprinted to save Young Bakugou, I found him, apologized and told him that he could be a hero and offered to train him, so he saw me in this form and still kept everything a secret..." Yagi finally finished and there were different reactions to the statement. Some were angry with the former number one hero, others understood and some didn't know what to think after another shocking reveal.


In the end, they didn't decide on anything and just agreed to talk to Midoriya about what he wants them to do with Bakugou and if he wants to have his mother informed about this because even though they should have already told her, they just couldn't afford to lose any more of Midoriya's trust. After all, they were already very, very thin ice.

Midoriya's classmates didn't bother him for the rest of the day and Mina suggested very kindly the next day to Midoriya to have a sleepover with the whole class (minus Bakugou and in the common room) since it was Friday. Midoriya agreed and just told everyone to call him Izuku or any sort of nickname to do with his first name since he didn't want anyone calling him 'Deku' anymore and the class was more than happy to follow his request through.


I hope that you enjoyed this One-Shot. Feel free to leave a suggestion of what I should do next in the comments, I love reading and answering them!
Stay healthy and keep safe!
~ Flame

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now