17| Aizawa's curiosity

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Aizawa was bored. He finally had slept a long enough time to be energetic, had done all the paperwork that was given to him and he had expelled his whole class last year, so he didn't have to teach right now and his next patrol was tomorrow.

He decided that just laying around when you aren't tired isn't rational and so he gets up towards his laptop to see his next school year's students. As he looked through their forms and records, he noticed that a quirk registry had been updated recently for a boy named Izuku Midoriya. He remembered the greenette clearly, the entrance exam only being a couple of days ago and was interested in his quirk.

So, he searched the registry up before it was changed and nearly fell off his chair. The registry had been updated after the entrance exam from quirkless to his quirk. He was an extreme case of a late bloomer, being about 11 years.

'...due to the destructive nature, the quirk was developed only when the user wasn't in the danger of exploding his limbs with a punch...'

There's gotta be trauma involved for the student, Aizawa thought. Everyone, including himself, believing for 11 years that he was quirkless made him a bullying target. The quirkless were severely discriminated against and he couldn't help but wonder if his bad record had anything to do with it. The teachers had a lot of power in that area. As he looked into the school, the name seemed familiar.

Aizawa went back to the other student's profiles and found that he was in the same school as Bakugou Katsuki, his anger issues clear as daylight and not even a spot on his record. It was extremely fishy, especially when those two were in the same class since pre-school.

Now, Aizawa new how to hack. Being an underground hero required it, since if you didn't want to die at a location, you had to find information about it, sometimes in less than legal ways. Aizawa usually didn't use his skills anywhere else, for moral reasons, but now he had to know what was happening, so he hacked into the school and looked at the camera footage.

Aizawa was disgusted, shocked and angered by the school and what they've done to Midoriya. Neglect, bullying, discrimination, illegal quirk use, physical abuse, verbal abuse and even suicide-baiting! Most of it was on Bakugou's record while the teachers willingly ignored it. He saved some of the worst clips and send them to Nezu, asking for the school to be sued and Bakugou to be expelled from his class, as well as put Midoriya with a quirk counsellor and Hound Dog as a therapist. The boy lived through 11 years of abuse, he needs one.


When Izuku was asked to stay after school with Aizawa-sensei after the horrible quirk assessment, he was for sure that he was going to get expelled. It just had to be!

"Midoriya, when did you first use your quirk?", was the question Aizawa asked the moment they were alone. Izuku also noticed through the day that Kaac- Bakugou was no-where to be seen. Did something happen?

"U-Uh, t-the ent-entrance exam, si-sir.", Izuku answered truthfully, no point in lying or when they discover it would make your situation worse.

"Okay, you are going to a quirk counsellor because you can't break your bones every time you use it.", Aizawa states and turns away to lead him to the counsellor. Now Izuku was panicking, he couldn't talk about his quirk! All Might said so!

"I can't!", he exclaimed in panic. Aizawa turned around, surprised.

"Why?", was his simple question.

"I don't want to be a bigger burden than I already am! All Might says I can't or it would put everyone in danger!", Izuku rambled before slapping a hand over his mouth horrified. He shouldn't have said that.

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now