8| Jump

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"He still can't face reality..."

"Hah! You always will be a useless Deku!"

"Take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life"

"I'm sorry, young man, but I don't believe that you could be a hero without a quirk."

These thoughts and memories swirl in Midoriya's head as he slowly inched his way towards the end of the roof that All Might has left him on. His desire to jump, to end it all, to stop the suffering is incredibly overwhelming and he can't help but give in. Maybe it will be peaceful wherever he would go when dead. Once he is over the railing he closes his eyes and finally relaxes his posture, letting gravity drag him forward, because who would stop him now?

He only noticed in the last second that he jinxed it.

Hawks was on his way back through Mustutafu from a mission for the Hero Commission when he notices two figures far, far away on a rooftop. Of course, he does to investigate, but when he finally reaches it, he notices that the first person was gone and the second person, a kid oh no, is slowly climbing over the railing. The hero doesn't even hesitate before he darts forward to catch the kid and stop his suicide attempt.

"Whoa, kid! Why would you do that?", the hero asks the child as he sets him down. Midoriya stared at him in disbelief. The number 3 hero?! His luck couldn't get worse. But he is emotional, so his mouth filter is currently not functioning so he stammers his response out.

"Can you become a hero without a quirk?", and huh, no stutter this time. Maybe he shouldn't ask because the hero will try to comfort him to stop his suicide...

Unknown to the child, Hawks heard the last part of his mumbling so he decided to reassure the kid that it was his honest opinion.

"I probably shouldn't be honest since you just tried to kill yourself-" ouch, here comes the insensitivity,"- but you probably want me to be honest. So, yeah, if you have trained hard enough you could probably be a hero without a quirk, even if you would have to go underground."

And again huh, because Midoriya certainly didn't expect an honest answer, but he trusted the hero since he hasn't changed his opinion towards him even though he doesn't have a quirk. Something even All Might is incapable of doing.

Hawks jaw nearly dropped. The symbol of peace himself is guilty of quirk discrimination?! He was glad the kid decided to trust him but by the looks of the bruises and small scars that he saw when he caught the kid and the fact that he is light gives him a sorta understanding of the situation. The bruises were from Bullies or home or both. Hawks had to find out.

"Hey kid, are you safe at home?" the hero asked and the kid flinched a little bit.

"Too safe." Ah, so the sort of abuse that is done to protect the child since he isn't strong enough to protect himself because he is quirkless. The hero decides to take it one step further, hoping that the emotional high the kid was experiencing would loosen his tongue a bit.

"What about school?"

"Teachers overlook everything and bring my grades down on purpose, the principal always says it's my fault, students beat me up nearly every day, more often than not with quirks, specifically Ka- Bakugou. Suicide-baited me for the first time today. He has an explosion quirk." The kid told him briefly and shoved his uniform top to the side where Hawks could see the star-shaped handprint scar on the shoulder. He sighed as he already decided to help this kid. God, he was barely 20, the kid was probably only 5 or 6 years younger than him.

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now