15| Girl problems

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Uraraka was in a dilemma. It was her time of the month and she just ran out of pads, but can't go out to get some more. The other girls are all busy and she doesn't have anyone else to ask-

Scratch that actually. She does have the 'Dekusquad', but she is too afraid to ask. Plus, she's sure that Todoroki wouldn't understand, Iida would 100% get it wrong and Deku-kun... he would probably get it right, now that she thinks about it. There isn't evidence that points towards him doing anything else except maybe flustered. Screw it, she's gonna text Deku cause she's desperate at this point.

Deku-kun 💚

Hey, Deku? Could you quickly grab some stuff from the store from me, it's my time of the month...

Sure, Uraraka! Do you have a specific preference for foods and pads?

Well, for pads it ********* and just get me some paprika chips, gummy bears and chocolate if it's not too much trouble...

Don't worry, it's fine! I'll be back in like 5-10 minutes!

Thank you so much, Deku!

You're welcome!

Well whatever Uraraka was expecting, it wasn't that. Deku was so calm about this thing, where most boys would either be confused or disgusted. How and why? She could ask him when he gives her the things.


Deku knocked on her door 9 minutes after she texted him, with a bag full of things and NO BLUSH?! WHAT?

"Thank you so much Deku-kun!", Uraraka exclaimed. Midoriya only smiled and answered with a small 'You're welcome' and walking away afterwards, knowing that Uraraka needed to be alone.



AlienQueen: Hey Ochaco, did you get your stuff last week?

You'llFloatToo: Yep! Deku bought them for me and did so actually really mature, no comment, no blush and asked the right things!

Fem!Kermit: Really, kero? I never expected that from Midoriya...

P!ATD: Really? I'm actually in the same dilemma right now do you think I could ask him?

You'llFloatToo: I'm sure Deku wouldn't mind!

P!ATD: Great!

Goddess: I'm surprised that Midoriya was so mature... wonder what his story is?

Invisibitch: Let's get closer to him and then when the time is right, let's ask him!

AlienQueen: And whatever he tells us, we'll support him and don't leave him!

Invisibitch: Yeah!


Jiro 🎧🎼

Hey Midoriya... I was wondering if you could quickly run to the store for me to buy some pads?

Of course, Jiro! Any preference?

Ahhh this brand called **********


Okay, got it

And I'm happy to help!

This was not what Jiro was expecting. She was completely taken aback by the sudden matureness of Midoriya and well the eagerness to help is nothing new, but for this topic at least, Jiro thought that it would dull a little bit. Imagine her surprise when Midoriya handed everything to her plus some chips and playlist recommendation without a blush. I repeat WITHOUT EVEN GETTING FLUSTERED!

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