3| Class 1-B to the rescue

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Midoriya's class was sometimes too much for him. Don't misunderstand, he loves his friends and all of his other classmates, but sometimes they were just too much of worrywarts, especially with his tendency to break bones. They didn't even let him explain and just instantly thought that it was something villain related. Seriously, he couldn't even explain that he got his quirk very late (pfff, as if-) even Aizawa-sensei instantly assumed that it was because he never practised. He is thankful for the worrying since nobody before them cared, but still, sometimes it was just too much.

That's how he found himself wandering around campus, where the other dorms were, alone. He was having a bad day and since he was always the 'cinnamon roll' of the class, no one even thought to ask him if it was a bad day because cinnamon roll people don't have bad days. He wasn't glass for fuck's sake! They were just like his mother, thinking he was too precious.

So he was angry. Sue him. For once, he just wanted some peace and not even that can be granted. Some times he wondered if it were better for his class to ignore him than to actively seek him out. Just like in elementary school-

'No! Don't you dare think about it now!' he cut his thoughts off. If he kept thinking about it, he will spiral down a memory lane.

Hah. Loser. Can't even keep yourself together like the useless Deku you are!

'I'm not useless!'

Are you sure? What about that time in first-year middle school-

'Shut up!'

Well maybe if you had taken a swan dive off the school roof-

'Kaachan didn't mean it!'

He sure looked like it. Remember those many many times on the playground where-

'I don't wanna hear it!' Midoriya scrambled to move towards the trees and slumped down against one. His breathing hitched as his mind supplied him with the many times his peers bullied him how they used their quirk against him, just because he didn't have one. His hands started to shake and he fought to keep his breath even. Tears started to form at the edges of his eyes as he started to lose himself in the memories and he couldn't breathe.

Locked in lockers-

Punches in the face-



Knocked out-


He tried to shake his head to clear the memories but they just kept coming back and wouldn't leave him alone.

"Shit! Kendo do you know what his name was?", a voice spoke that he barely acknowledged.

"Izuku Mido or something like that, I believe.", a more feminine voice answered.




"Izuku! I need you to try and synchronise your breathing with mine.", the first voice spoke again as he became a little bit more aware of his surroundings. Someone was putting his hand to their chest and he followed the instructions given.


"Okay breath with me. One, two, three, four in and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven out", the voice spoke calmly and Midoriya followed the instructions. After a while, his breath was more or less even and he could finally see more clearly. In front of him were Kendo and Monoma from class 1-B and he instantly felt bad for wasting their time and helping him calm down.

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now