20| Stain

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Izuku knew this was a bad idea, which is why he is doing it in the most non-Izuku way. After the Stain encounter in Hosu and him saving Izuku and saying that he is a true hero, Izuku was curious as to why Stain would think that he is a true hero. I mean, he is useless quirkless Deku-

(Don't think about it!)

So, Izuku was sending Stain a letter, hoping that he will receive one back. He knew that he couldn't send it directly from UA, so he rented a P.O. box to receive the letters and send them. (He is a genius after all, not that anyone would notice)

Dear Mr Stain,

You are probably not gonna read this, but here we go. I'm Izuku Midoriya, hero name: Deku, and I guess I'm writing to you because my curiosity got the best of me.

Why did you save me from the Nomu? You were injured and still went through the pain to save me from the Nomu. You could've just let it happen and escaped easily, so why let yourself be caught?

- Midoriya

Chizome was confused. Yes he saved the boy from the Nomu and it was because he was a true hero, but he thought that the boy knew that? He seemed to be smart, so it was probably a lack of self-worth. Why does the boy have such low self-esteem?


I was quite surprised by the letter you send me. It is rather unusual for a hero to chat with a criminal. I saved you because you are a true hero, but I'm sure that you know that with your intelligence and just wanted confirmation. So, why write to me?

Oh and call me Akaguro, that is my real name after all.

- Akaguro

This letter forth and back went on for many months. Nobody knew about the letters, but the class and teachers started to notice Izuku becoming more confident in himself faster than ever. He dropped the stutter suddenly (after 3 weeks of writing to Akaguro)!

Midoriya also seemed to embrace his sharp mind and started training in weapons and martial arts. (Izuku had always thought that doing those were a good idea, but never had the confidence to ask to do it)

In conclusion, something was going on with him and the class couldn't figure out what, even when Hound Dog (the school counsellor) was happy that Midoriya seemed to be better. (He'd seen the signs, but couldn't force the kid)


What happened so that this behaviour appeared? How did you learn to act like a true hero?

- Chizome

Izuku thought hard about this and he was sure that he trusted Chizome. More than most of his classmates even! So, he was going to tell him the truth. Was this a bad idea? Probably. Did he care? Not really.


To put it bluntly, I was bullied/abused (mentally, physically, with their quirks, etc) by everyone I have ever met (even All Might) for being quirkless for 11 years before getting a quirk. The only exception is my mom. I wouldn't even put it past my current classmates to bully me if I was still quirkless.

Teachers? Didn't care and even helped sometimes.

Principal? Even gave me unfair punishment for "lying".

Police? Thought I was an attention-seeking quirkless brat.

Heroes? "Go to the police, kid."

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now