Chapter 8-Going back

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Mykahil went back to Grace, MI. He really didn't want to go back, but he needed to clear the air with someone. That someone was his brother, he never meant to leave him but he did and he doesn't know what to do anymore. Mykahil's brother was the one that started the rumor about him. He was the one that told his ex what was going on. No one really believed Mykahil anyways. Not even his ex.
"Home sweet hell", Mykahil muttered under his breath. He walked to the only address he had for said ex. He wanted to tell him that is wasn't true that he never did anything his brother said, he didn't know the outcome but if he wanted a certain brooding man than this is what he had to do.
Sighing again for the hundredth time it seemed he walked up to the door and kmocked. His ex answered the door shocked that Mykahil was here, he thought he would never see him. He wanted clarity on what happened that day. He wasn't mad or upset just shocked.
"Um, hi. I know I am the last person you want to see but...I need to clear the air. Nothing ever happened with that guy. I don't know what possessed my brother to start those rumors but it was all a lie." Mykahil said all in one breath.
"I know nothing happened. I never pegged you to do something like that. But my question is, why? After all these years why now?" His ex, Shayne asked.
"Because, I needed to clarify all of this and get it off my chest. I never really thought of it until a guy made me all flustered. I got scared and came here. I don't know why I did. I never even told anyone where I was going." Mykahil sighed. He was never the one to beg or look defeated and Shayne knew that.
"What's his name?" Shayne asked.
"Donevan Jenkins," Mykahil replied.
"Dude, you know who that is?" Shayne replied.
"Kind of, all I know is he is part of a group known as The Elite Four." Mykahil said.
"Not just that. He beat cancer, opened up his own dojo and is helping a lot of kids. And you got all flustered because of him?!" Shayne exclaimed.
"Um...yes?" Mykahil questioned himself.
"Damn, if I were you. I would haul ass back to where he is. He is probably freaked you left without explanation. You know his ex Kaden did that. Look, I forgave you a long time ago. The air is clear with us. As for your brother...don't go there." Shayne told him.
"I wasn't planning on that. I just wanted...hell I really don't know." Mykahil chuckled.
"Leave, go find that hot guy." Shayne said smiling.
After that talk, Mykahil turned his truck around and headed for the only man that made him feel this way. He stopped for gas and rest and in no time he was at that familiar apartment. Not Donevan's...Lynn's.
He walked in and saw all his friends there.
"Jesus, I thought we would have to come get you!" Marcus exclaimed.
"I just needed advice and not from you guys."Mykahil said and saw them all frown but what he really wanted was across the way.
"Is he home?" Mykahil asked weakly.
"You won't find him there anymore. He moved." Lynn said.
"Where?" Mykahil asked.
"Not sure. But if you ask Lucas or Mason they may know." Marcus told him. He nodded and headed towards campus.
He walked those familiar halls to find Lucas in the room.
"Lucas?" Mykahil said meekly.
"O...M...G!! You are here! Thank god!" Lucas screeched.
"Yeah, I had to do something but I am back for good." Mykahil said.
"Well...he isn't here. He went to Sweden to see Rus and Trenton" Lucas sighed, "he really has changed. He goes there once a year. He just needed space."
Mykahil nodded and went home and booked a light to Sweden.
"Looks like I am going to Sweden." Mykahil sighed and started to pack. He wasn't worried about money. He isn't rich by any means he just knows how to spend wisely.

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