Chapter 6 - In My Mate's Arms

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Before he got the chance to finish singing, the heavens decided to pour down on us. It started raining hard and my dress was getting soaked but we didn't mind getting wet and cold. We were savouring our little moment as we stared into each other's eyes and continued dancing around.

He has a really great voice. He hit the high notes in Union-J's song perfectly. He sang like an angel would, and looked at me as if I was the only one in the world.

When he finished the song, he slowly bent down and put his forehead against mine. Our nose were touching and his lips were brushing against mine ever so gently. Suddenly, our kiss became more passionate as he tried to make me feel how he feels through the kiss. I kissed him back with the same amount of passion and savoured the feel of his lips against mine. I ran my fingers through his jet black hair as he pulled us close against each other. We were kissing for so long that we lost track of time. Soon, we were panting as we parted to get oxygen. I gazed at his swollen red lips for a moment before returning my gaze to his piercing dark blue eyes. His eyes were quickly shifting from dark blue to golden- letting me know that he was at his limit. It's weird how I could calm him and agitate his wolf at the same time. He was also gazing at my lips and I'm sure that they were red an swollen as well from our make-out session.

"We better find shelter. You're cold." he said as he closed his eyes shut. when he opened them, they weren't flickering from dark blue to golden anymore. They were back to its original dark blue color. I hadn't even noticed that I was shivering from the cold. I was too preoccupied with his presence and too captivated by his appearance. I still can't believe that he's mine and I, his. Who would have thought that I would fall in love with my best friend? It was too good to be true, I thought as he led me to his car.

"Wait, Xavier. Your car would get wet."

"It's better than you getting sick, and it would dry eventually anyways." he shrugged.

"That's sweet but your leather seats would get damaged."

"It's fine. I could buy a new car whenever that happens." I stared at him incredulously as he sighed and pushed me into the passenger seat of his car. He ran to the driver's seat and turned the heater on as soon as he's seated. I tried to get as comfortable as I can despite my hair that is sticking allover my face because of the water. My dress was also heavy from all the rain water it collected so I gave up and decided to ignore it. We sat in comfortable silence as I recalled our little moment a while ago. I smiled as I brought my hands to my swollen lips absentmindedly at the thought.

Xavier's laugh cut through the silence as he glanced at me through the front mirror. I blushed and looked down my lap. He grabbed my hand and put it onto his lips. He didn't let go of my hand after.


"Xavier, where are we?" I asked as closed the door of the passenger seat.

"We're at the pack house. This is where I live along with the others. They're all asleep now so don't worry. You can sleep here for the night." he said.

"But what about my aunt?"

"Uhmm... She sort of uhm.. Called earlier? When you were at the restroom, you left your phone then she called so I answered the call. I forgot to tell you, but she might have uhmmm... Told me that you were free to go stay over a friend's house for the night since she won't be at home. She said that she was going to a friend's house or something." he said, clearly amused. I'm sure that I'm as red as a tomato right now. My aunt sure knows how to make things awkward. She might as well have sold me to a guy that she just met.

"Oh. Uhmm..Alright? So..I guess I'm staying over."


He grabbed my hand as he led me into the huge house. The inside was even bigger than the outside. I can tell even though most of the lights were turned off. He led me up the staircase into his room. Well, I assumed that it was his room when he opened the light. The California king bed was messy-typical for a teenage boy. He had a huge room all to himself and also had his own closet and bathroom. He had a desk stacked with papers and a lot of other things. He had a shelf full of CDs and he also had a few books lying on his shelf. He went into his closet and grabbed a pair of clothes for himself and a huge shirt for me.

"You could take a shower in there. I'll use the spare bathroom." he said as he pointed at the bathroom. I nodded and proceeded to the direction he pointed at. I went ahead and took off my clothes and took a warm shower. Once I was satisfied, I took a towel from one of the hangers and dried myself. I put on my underwear which was luckily dry along with my bra. I put the shirt that Xavier gave me over my head and when I finished dressing, I smelled his shirt. It smelled just like him. I smiled at the thought as I placed my wet dress and heels to the side, and decided to leave the bathroom.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, a pair of piercing dark blue eyes were on me.

His eyes were suddenly golden when I slowly approached him.

"Alexandria.." he said as he stood up from the bed and pinned me against the wall. He buried his face into my neck and breathed in my scent.

"You look sexy in my shirt." he whispered against my ear as I shuddered at the sensation he's giving me. He inhaled my scent once again and, after a while, he sighed and said "What would I do with you?"

He closed his eyes and slowly opened them after a while. his eyes were back to it's normal color. He pulled me along with him into his bed and lied down. I hesitated since, he was after all, still a man. He probably noticed it since he assured me and said

"Don't worry. I won't do anything to you. I'll control myself. I promise." I smiled at that sweet gesture as I snuggled into his bare chest and waited for sleep to consume me. He held me tight and said

"Goodnight, Caddie. I love you." as he gently kissed my forehead.

I whispered "I love you too"

I'm looking forward to waking up and seeing him right at the moment when I open my eyes, first thing in the morning- I thought as I fell asleep for the first time, in my mate's arms.



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