- in the forest

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au : clem wakes up without her girlfriend in her bed, so she'll look for her.

warnings : no warnings

a/n : me finally writing violentine one-shot? pffft- also everyone is okay so no missing leg, eye or tongue ;))

words : 833

(clementine's pov)

i slowly opened my eyes, but the light coming from the window blinded me, so i shut my eyes close again. i groan and put my arm next to me, where i usually feel violets body sleeping next to me, but this time she wasn't there.

i opened my eyes finally and looked at the empty place next to me. i sighed and rubbed my eyes. after few more seconds of just laying in my bed, trying to bring myself to get up i yawned and sat on the edge of now mine and violets bed.

since all that shit with riders happend violet started to have a lot of nightmares and so did i, but i already got used to them. violet almost every night woke up screaming and sometimes even crying and the only person, who could calm her down was me. instead of rushing into violets room every night, me and louis had the idea to let violet sleep with me. it was a good idea, because falling in each others arms helped both of us.

i put on my boots and got up, making my way out of the room. when i opened the door a small cold wind went right into my face. it was middle of the fall and the forest maybe looked amazing, but it was getting cold fastly.

when i walked into the yard, the first thing that caught my eye was AJ. he was running around the yard with louis, playing with a ball. i was shocked, because it's not easy to find toys and stuff like that right now, but i was glad that AJ was having fun.

i slowly started make my way to louis, because if someone knew where violet was, it was louis. "good morning, clementine!" ruby waved at me, while sitting next to aasim doing something with his book. i just smiled and waved back.

"louis..." i said loud enough for louis to stop running around and pay his attention to me. "hey, clem! wanna play with us?" AJ smiled and pointed at the ball next to his leg. "not now, kiddo." i smiled and turned back to louis. "...violet?" louis crossed his arms sadly. i nodded looking at the ground. "she'll get through it..." louis put his arm on my shoulder, which was enough to make me look up.

louis sighed. "she said she'll go check around, so she'll be out close to walls." louis smiled weakly. "okay, thank you, louis." now it was my turn to sigh. "c'mon little man! aww is that all you got?" louis shouted, when he started playing with AJ again. i smiled at them before walking to gate. i looked up to see willy, smiling weakly at me and pointing at the direction, where vi probably was. i nodded at willy and went that way.

no one was themselves since everything happend. some people pretend to be okay, but we all know that no one is... and who would be?

after few second of walking i saw blonde girl sitting on the ground, with her back on the tree. "it's pretty dangerous out here..." i said as i got closer. violet flinched a little after hearing my voice, but she didn't looked at me, her back still facing me.

i sighed and sat down next to her, leaning my back on the tree too. "nightmare...?" i asked softly. violet looked away and nodded. "you know you could have woke me up, right?" i raised my eyebrow. "i feel stupid... waking you up everyday, because of the same stupid nightmare." violet picked up a little rock and throw it on the tree in front of us. i sighed and put my head on her shoulder. "that's what i'm here for... just please tell me the next time. i don't like you going here all alone." i looked around.

"okay..." violet sighed. "promise?" i asked. "promise." violet took my hand, interacting our fingers toghether. i chuckled a little before standing up. "c'mon or our asses are going to freeze." i held out my hand, to still sitting violet. violet finally looked at me for the first time today, smiled and accepted my hand.

i helped her up, still holding her hand. violet tucked piece of my hair behind my ear and left her right hand on my cheek. i put my hand on hers and smiled, while looking right into her eyes. i took my hand of hers and cupped her cheeks, with both of my hands before pressing my lips to hers.  it was a short, but a nice kiss. when violet pulled away, she smiled and took my hand again. "let's go." violet said and we started walking towards the gate.

!not edited!

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